ETHDublin 2024

Céad míle fáilte to Ireland's official web3 hackathon at Dogpatch Labs, May 31st - June 2nd

  • 57 Participants
  • 17,900 Invested
  • 0 Uninvested


  • Social Good & Impact
  • Sustainability
  • Privacy
  • DAO
  • Energy Efficiency

Do I need a ticket?

If you're accepted as a hacker, you don't need a ticket but are required to stake a deposit of €10 to secure your spot. This deposit is refunded upon attendance. If you've staked a deposit but can't attend, please notify our support team at [email protected] at least 24 hours before the event. Note that the deposit is non-refundable if you fail to notify us.

Where will the event be?

ETHDublin 2024 will take place at Dogpatch Labs in the CHQ Building, Dublin 1. This central location is easily accessible by public transport, with all major routes within a 5-minute walk. 

Dogpatch Labs is renowned as one of Ireland's leading start-up and tech hubs. For further details, visit their website:

Is it a '24 hour' Hackathon?

No, it isn't. Due to current Irish law, the venue cannot stay open overnight. The venue will close at 11 pm and reopen at 7 am. However, projects can continue outside the venue during those hours if hackers wish to do so. 

We apologise for any inconvenience and hope this regulation changes in the future!

Is this an in-person or virtual hackathon?

This is an in-person hackathon, and there's no virtual participation option available.

Who can participate, and do I require a team?

Anyone interested in Web3 can participate, regardless of technical background. 

You don't need a team to apply, as we can assist in team formation if needed. If you're struggling to find a team, reach out to us through Discord, X, or Telegram, and we'll help you out.

Can I enter and submit an existing project?

While we encourage fresh projects, existing ones can be entered as long as there are significant changes and relevance to the tracks and bounties. Please notify us of existing projects for review and approval.

Do I require a technical background to participate?

No, you don't need technical skills to join a hackathon. Successful projects depend on various factors beyond coding, including feasibility, user experience, and marketability. Non-technical skills such as project management, design, business strategy, and marketing are equally important. If you think you have these skills to contribute, register today!