Cartesi Online Hackathon 2024

A challenge for Web3 pioneers in the quest for ultimate computational power and programmability.

  • 311 Participants
  • 97,998 Invested
  • 0 Uninvested



  • Software & Services
  • Blockchain
  • NFT
  • Metaverse
  • DeFi

Cartesi Online Hackathon 2024 | #RollupWithCartesi

Cartesi is an app-specific rollup protocol with a virtual machine that runs Linux distributions, creating a richer and broader design space for dApp developers. Cartesi Rollups offer a modular scaling solution, deployable as L2, L3, or sovereign rollups, while maintaining strong base layer security guarantees. To learn more about Cartesi, visit  

We want to enable computationally intensive applications on Ethereum! Furthermore, we want you to be able to build smart contracts and dApps using the languages and tooling that you know and love. These abstractions have been developed and battle-tested over the last few decades. Reusing existing tooling, and having full programmability is a great way to innovate faster without reinventing the wheel.

The Challenge

Track 1: Best use case for real-world adoption 

We're excited to see you bring your ideas to life by developing a proof of concept (PoC) decentralized application (dApp) using Cartesi Rollups. Come up with real-world projects that you believe can make an impact in the web3 realm with Cartesi. 

Get inspired and think outside the box to find innovative solutions in areas like Artificial Intelligence, Open Data, EDUcation, DeFi, Health, Environment, and more. You can draw inspiration from the ideas on, but feel free to let your creativity soar even beyond!

Track 2:  Most Helpful Dev Tools 

Build something that helps the dev journey, and helps productivity. 

Get inspired and think outside the box to find tooling solutions that foster the open-source culture and enable other developers to use and extend your creation. You can draw inspiration from the ideas on the Cartesi Discord #spotlight but feel free to let your creativity soar even beyond!


  1. Wallet functionality 
  2. Language-based templates 
  3. Use JS to Bootstrap a template for create-react-app to facilitate kickstart projects.
  4. Cartesi Machine templates and RISC-V compilation of important libs that can help other devs bootstrap their projects. E.g. OpenCV (which must be run inside the Cartesi Linux VM)
  5. Testing tools

Mandatory requirements

  1. Your project should have documentation explaining the general idea of the solution. This can come in the form of a ReadMe briefly explaining how the components interact, providing a complete walkthrough on how to build and run the solution, and examples of input and expected output.
  2. You should submit your project to the Cartesi Discord Builder-Spotlight channel, where you will also be eligible for a commemorative NFT.

    Note: Please visit the Categories tab to check out the judging criteria in detail.


We’re passionate about supporting developers and encouraging creativity to blossom across the community. Our $21,000 (USD) track reward is broken down into the following:

  • 🥇 1st - $6,000 USD Team Prize

  • 🥈 2nd - $3,000 USD Team Prize

  • 🥉 3rd - $2,000 USD Team Prize

💰 $10,000 USD Shared Pool Prize (For notable projects, we'll reward up to 10 teams $1000 USD if they qualify as runner ups)

Support & Mentorship

We've set up a #RollupWithCartesi category on Cartesi Discord for any queries that you might have during the duration of the online hackathon. Additionally, there would be daily open hacker hours for all the participants to engage directly with mentors. All you have to do is join the Cartesi discord and check the events for the upcoming Hacker Hour that suits your timezone. 


Don't forget to take part in online workshops[1.5hrs] where you'll learn about basics and how to build a dApp with Cartesi. You can join any of the below time that suits you. Here are the joining links for the respective days:
Workshop with João - Mar 11th - Google Meet Link
Workshop with Jathin - Mar 12th - Google Meet Link
Workshop with Marcus - Mar 13th - Google Meet Link
Workshop with Shaheen - Mar 14th - Google Meet Link 
Workshop with Gabriel - Mar 15th - Google Meet Link


Cartesi Docs -
Helpful Repo with Examples - 
For dApp ideas and inspiration -
Join Discord - 

For more information on the #RollupWithCartesi hackathon, please navigate the tabs above or get in touch with Cartesi Developer Advocacy team on Discord.