
The goal of this hackathon is to find solutions to improve and accelerate the process of both providing the digital tickets as well as validating them. We aim to improve both smooth operation and ticket validation as well as passenger experience.

  • 145 Participants
  • 202,730 Invested
  • 0 Uninvested


  • Transportation

This hackathon brought up many impressive ideas on solutions an great presentation videos, all jury members were  very impressed by the work of the participants.

Jury Method:

All submitted projects where individually assessed by nine jury members. Each member evaluated the projects regarding the following criteria:

  • Feasibility 
  • Speed
  • Improvement to the current system
  • Accuracy
  • Passenger experience
  • Inspector experience
  • Stage of development / prototype functionality
  • Presentation

In each category a jury member could assign 1-10 points. The average was calculated individually for all categories. Feasibility, speed, passenger experience and inspector experience where weighted with a factor of 1,5 before addition. This lead to a maximum of 100 points. 

Winner of the Communtiy Vote: