You can win Main Track prizes and Sponsor Bounties at ETH Oxford. Builders compete by submitting projects to Main Tracks, Sponsor Bounties, or both!
There will be 5 main track categories at ETH Oxford.
Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP), Privacy and Compliance
Real-World Assets (RWA), Oracles and Identity
Decentralised Finance (DeFi)
Decentralised Social Media and Gaming
Wildcard Category: AI, Account Abstraction, Interoperability, Blockchain Research and other.
Sponsors who have already decided their winners will be given the opportunity to announce their winners at the Gala Dinner Pre-drinks event at Exeter College Fellows Garden, March 11th, 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm UTC.
Submissions and judging of Main Track projects occur on the Taikai platform.
Each sponsor of ETH Oxford set up bounties for builders to compete for. Sponsors typically define the scope of submissions and marking criteria. Sponsors have sole discretion over the bounties. Builders can submit the same project to several Sponsor Bounties. Builders are also encouraged to submit their projects to one of the Main Tracks.
Submissions to Sponsor Bounties and Judging is managed on the Mintycode platform.