CASSINI Hackathons Environment and Green Transition

Create innovative solutions for the environment & green transition with EU space technologies


  • Local Pitch Contest and Awards Show15 Sep, 2024 - 13:01
  • Demo Day and Awards Ceremony18 Sep, 2024 - 16:00
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  • 866 Participants


  • Space Tech
  • Sustainability
  • Infrastructure
  • Satellite Communication
  • Space

Discover the prizes

The hackathon competition ⚔️

At the end of the Hackathon Weekend (13-15 September), each hackathon location will evaluate the project submitted by their teams to select the local winner and runner-ups. The local winners (one team per location) will then be invited to present their project during Demo Day (18 September), where a professional jury will select the 3 overall winners of the hackathon. The best hackathon projects will be awarded at both local and EU levels.

Overall prizes 💰

The top three hackathon teams will win a cash prize of 9.000€ in total (1st place: 5.000€, 2nd place: 3.000€, 3rd place: 1.000€) gain access to CASSINI Mentoring, a 6-month mentoring programme that includes 100 hours of mentoring by top experts and is designed to turn their hackathon project into a successful business.

Local prizes 🎁

Each hackathon location has its own unique set of prizes for the local winners and runner-ups. Take a look at what you can win in the hackathon location where you will participate:  

CREODIAS Hackathon award 🛰️

Our partner T-Systems will award a 5.000€ credit voucher for the use of data, analytics, and/or cloud computing services on CREODIAS to the overall winner of the Hackathon.