Mushroom Farm

Mushrooms help to solve environmental problems by eating waste, providing food, methane, energy and medicines.

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Landfills release pollutants into the soil, water and air, even after site closure. ... Landfills are environmentally damaging and lead to a loss of biodiversity in two ways: 1. They require clearing wild areas and pollute surrounding habitats through leachates, leading to habitat loss and degradation.,air%2C%20even%20after%20

Garbage dumps contain various wastes, both organic and non-organic, plastic thin bags that are almost impossible to handle and other types of packaging that are still not processed at the present time. We consider it as an option to use a plastic-eating mushroom to infect landfills so that the mushroom would help reduce the volume of garbage storage Also, using a mushroom that eats plastic at home, you can make a home bioreactor that will eat packaging that does not recycle. Having built a home reactor from an iron pan or container, you can put the packaging there when sorting useful and unhealthy waste at home and thereby reduce the amount of garbage sent to the landfill. Biogenesis of silver nanoparticles using endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis microspora and evaluation of their antioxidant and anticancer activities-Biogenesis of silver nanoparticles using endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis microspora and evaluation of their antioxidant and anticancer activities                                                                                   We present to your attention this amazing mushroom from our eco-farm for growing mushrooms for disposal in landfills and disposal of household waste and shipment to pharmaceutical companies.Also, in the future, this mushroom will be part of the food safety program.                                                       "Scientists discovered a mushroom that eats plastic, and believe it could clean our landfills"

Pestalotiopsis microspora-                                  Here is an example of one of the studios working with this amazing mushroom to turn it into food for us. Quote-"Unger tells Dezeen that the end result can vary in flavor depending on the strain of fungus, but that it’s been described as sweet or licorice-like. From start to finish, the entire process takes several months. "     At our mushroom farm, we are thinking about different ways of developing the use of mushrooms to improve the ecological situation. Now the mushroom not only gets rid of waste, gives food and can give us medicines in the future to improve health, which is also affected by climate and environmental changes.                                                                                                                                                  Quote from research"The present study reports the simple and environmental benign approach for the biosynthesis of AgNPs using aqueous culture filtrate of P. microspora, an endophytic fungus isolated from the leaves of G. sylvestre. Fungal culture filtrate mediated the successful synthesis of spherical-shaped AgNPs of 2–10 nm in size. The AgNPs synthesized were very stable and biocompatible. The biosynthesized AgNPs exhibited effective antioxidant and anticancer activities. The biosynthesized AgNPs have proved to be potent cytotoxic agents against B16F10, SKOV3, PC3, and A549. The plausible apoptotic changes were also explained against the most susceptible SKOV3 cell lines. The results of cytotoxic studies demonstrated that the biosynthesized AgNPs can be used as anticancer agents in the near future. "                                                                                                A little more about mushroom medicines  "Fungal endophytes: A potent biocontrol agent and a bioactive  reservoir" 

"Fungal 7-epi-10-deacetyltaxol produced by an endophytic Pestalotiopsis microspora induces apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (HepG2)"-"Paclitaxel (taxol) is a potent anticancer drug that is used in the treatment of a wide variety of cancerous. In the present study, we identified a taxol derivative named 7-epi-10-deacetyltaxol (EDT) from the culture of an endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis microspora isolated from the bark of Taxodium mucronatum. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of fungal EDT on cell proliferation, the induction of apoptosis and the molecular mechanisms of apoptosis in human hepatoma HepG2 cells in vitro."-

Currently, research is underway to further develop the organization of mushroom production processes and technological laughter of mushroom production for pharmaceutical needs and supplies to landfills or sales cycles of the mushroom for home use.

Various departments of our mushroom farm are engaged in research and preparation to create processes for the application of mushrooms and commercialization of mushroom products for the wide development of the idea of a mushroom farm for different countries and different companies. Different forms and business models can be applied to create improvements through the cultivation of certain types of mushrooms for different application scenarios.                                                                             Also in the assortment of our mushroom farm for creating various types of mycelium, there are types of mushrooms for a home composter. By using our mycelium, you will get improved compost properties for fertilizing your garden beds.

"Mushroom Compost: What It Is, What It Does, And How To Make It"                                                                       "Often, getting a compost pile to heat up properly is a challenge. A cold pile takes months to decompose. Mushroom spawn is the activator to grow mushrooms, and spawn is often used as compost activator because the microbial activity breaks down the organic material in the pile. When the material begins decomposing, the compost pile gets hotter faster. Sometimes decomposing mushrooms will make new spawn that will act as a compost activator."                                                                                                                         Another type of mushroom in our farm is a mushroom for creating methane and obtaining energy for the needs of a house or industrial scale that eats organic waste.                                                                   Now the home composter will be able to recycle both organic waste at home and small amounts of plastic, for example, as packaging that cannot be recycled industrially.                                               Chaetomium globosporum -In present study, chitinolytic bacteria were employed to bioaugment the biogas production from fungal pretreated agricultural residues. The fungal pretreatment of wheat and pearl millet straw was done by Chaetomium globosporum. Pretreated straw were digested anaerobically at batch scale with and without the presence of chitinolytic bacteria. Contrary to untreated samples, the addition of chitionolytic bacteria with pretreated wheat and pearl millet straw provided 41 and 57% higher biogas yield.                     HomeBiogas - Turn Your Waste into Energy                                               Also, our farm plans to grow metsium for creating home beds of mushrooms for eating mushrooms. And the rest of the mycelium with the help of the proposed technologies, we plan to screw into the products for our life as biogas production from mycelium waste.

"How to Grow Delicious Mushrooms at Home to Use in All Your Favorite Recipes"                     And so a mushroom farm for growing mycelium can solve the problem of food safety in the form of obtaining mushrooms for food both at home and on an industrial scale, and later the mushrooms will again help turn the remains of mushroom production into energy.                                                                  "The industry of mushroom cultivation uses a wide variety of lignocellulosic waste and is considered a very efficient way to recycle agro-residues and to produce food. This activity generates tons of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) every year, causing a significant disposal challenge. The SMS is a useful resource for the generation of bio-gas, since raw material is digested by the metabolism of fungi, performing as a pre-treatment, thus facilitating the subsequent anaerobic digestion and increasing the yield of methane production. Forty-one species of fungi have been used as pre-treatment in different types of residues; among them, 13 were cultivated mushrooms. The potential production of methane using SMS pre-treated with cultivated mushrooms should be added to the list of other common residues used, such as food/vegetable waste and pig manure. Biogas can be used as fuel, and the residues from biogas can be used as fertilizers for food crops. These productive activities can be integrated in a virtuous circle of reuse of organic resources; in which the waste of one activity is used as a substrate for another activity. Given the huge amount of SMS produced, we propose to integrate it into a virtuous circle of resource reutilization for energy generation, particularly as a viable substrate for biogas generation"                                                                                    By creating a business model for the production of mushroom mycelium of various types and purposes of application, you can create an improvement process to solve environmental problems, save the earth for biodiversity, obtain medicines, energy and much more. This is help from nature itself to save nature and our health. We must respect to the gifts of nature and try to reduce your impact on the environment!

