Example Truck

This project only serves as an example for other participants on how to create a project.

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • This hackathon has categories available. Please select one if necessary.


Please pick a unique ID for for team: example-truck

Explanation: we will use this ID in the simulation runs to identify your team. Allowed characters are [a-z, -, _]) Example: awesome-truckers

Add the Slack handles of your team members here: @seb

Explanation: You can join the hackathon slack workspace via this link. It is important for us to know how to reach you and your team on Slack, should there be any problems with your submissions. You can always create a private Slack channel `#support_[unique_team_id]` with all the members of your team and add our support staff via Slack handle `@support-staff` to help you out. In this private channel you can also submit confidential information like a private SSH key for your GitHub repository if needed.

Additional information on how to take part in the competition and about all the rules will be published on the Hackathon day May 13 around 9:30 CEST.


This project only serves as an example for other participants on how to create a project. Seb will not take part in the competition, as that would be unfair ;-) 
