
Empowering high school and middle school students to use technology for social good.

  • 85 Participants
  • 51,811 Invested
  • 0 Uninvested


  • Social Good

TaroHacks Official Rules


  • Must abide by the TaroHacks Code of Conduct.
  • All participants must sign up with a Taikai account prior to the start of the hackathon and must also be on the TaroHacks Slack, NOT just one person per team.


  • Must be entering grades 6 to 12 as a middle school or high school student.


  • You can work as an individual or with up to two other members. Teams can be a maximum of 3 people.
  • Teams that include a combination of both middle and high school students cannot compete in the Best Middle School Hack and Best High School Hack categories.


  • The project should solve a social problem or fulfill a human need.
  • There is no specific theme for TaroHacks projects.
  • Any type of software/hardware project will be accepted.


  • Teams can submit to any category they’re eligible for.
  • Project Categories
    • Overall: All teams are eligible for the overall project category. The top three teams in this category will receive prizes.
    • Best Middle School Hack: Teams made up of 2 to 3 middle school students are eligible for this category. The overall winner of the Best Middle School Hack category will receive a prize.
    • Best High School Hack: Teams made up of 2 to 3 high school students are eligible for this category. The overall winner of the Best High School Hack category will receive a prize.
    • Best Solo Hack: Only solo projects are eligible for this category. The top solo project will receive a prize.


  • Projects must be created and submitted through the “Projects” tab on Taikai.
  • Only one member from each group should create and submit the project. You are able to add team members within the project after creating it so all the members get credit.
  • Projects must be completed and submitted by 12 PM PST on August 6th, 2020 through the Taikai site.
  • Project Submission Criteria (Important!)
    • Description of project and the problem your project is addressing/solving.
    • A video with a maximum length of 3 minutes including a demonstration, explanation, and summary of your project.
    • Any other images/files/information that you would like to add!


  • Participant voting will take place from 1 PM PST on August 6th, 2020 to 1 PM PST on August 7th, 2020.
  • Judging will take place after the participant voting and projects will be discussed during a meeting.
  • Participants will receive 100 Kai (Taikai point system) each and judges will receive 10,000 tokens each to vote on projects during the voting period.
  • Project Judging Criteria
    • Problem/Impact (20%): What problem is your project addressing and how much of an impact will it have?
    • Creativity (25%): How creative and innovative was your project?
    • Functionality (20%): How well does your project work and is it functional?
    • Technicality (20%): What did you use to build your project and how effectively did you use it?
    • Presentation (15%): How well did you present your project? How well did you convey your project and idea?

TaroHacks Code of Conduct

1) All hacks must be started AFTER hacking begins.

2) Any software or hardware from a third party MUST also be publicly available to use by anybody else.

3) Do NOT steal anyone else's source code.

4) Judges make the final decision on any winner of a prize.

5) Have fun, learn something, and make something awesome!

6) Any kind of harassing behavior will not be tolerated.

7) Every attendee and participant at our online hackathon should be treated with respect at all times.

For any questions or inquiries, please us at [email protected]!