
Empowering high school and middle school students to use technology for social good.

  • 85 Participants
  • 51,811 Invested
  • 0 Uninvested


  • Social Good


First Place:

Apple Airpods ⭐️
Product Hunt ⭐️ “The best new products in tech”

Digital Ocean ⭐️

CyberStart Game ⭐️ “Improve, introduce and inspire cybersecurity knowledge with CyberStart Game”

Second Place:

Google Home Mini ⭐️
Product Hunt ⭐️ “The best new products in tech”

Digital Ocean ⭐️

CyberStart Game ⭐️ “Improve, introduce and inspire cybersecurity knowledge with CyberStart Game”

Bugsee ⭐️ Bug and Crash-Reporting for iOS and Android

  • 100 Bugsee Credits ($100 towards Bugsee’s services)

Third Place:

$25 Amazon Gift Card ⭐️

Product Hunt ⭐️ “The best new products in tech”

Digital Ocean ⭐️

Wolfram Alpha ⭐️ “Compute expert-level answers using Wolfram’s breakthrough algorithms, knowledgebase, and AI technology”

  • A year of Wolfram’s technologies and software- one personal edition and a one-year subscription to Wolfram Alpha Pro (value of $375)

Product Hunt ⭐️ “The best new products in tech”

Bugsee ⭐️ Bug and Crash-Reporting for iOS and Android

  • 100 Bugsee Credits ($100 towards Bugsee’s services)


High School
Best High School Team Hack:

ULA Hat & T-shirt ⭐️
Wolfram Alpha “Compute expert-level answers using Wolfram’s breakthrough algorithms, knowledgebase, and AI technology”

  • A year of Wolfram’s technologies and software- one personal edition and a one-year subscription to Wolfram Alpha Pro (value of $375)

Digital Ocean ⭐️

Clerky ⭐️ “How the Best Startups get Legal Work Done”

Middle School
Best Middle School Team Hack:

ULA Hat & T-shirt ⭐️
Wolfram Alpha ⭐️ “Compute expert-level answers using Wolfram’s breakthrough algorithms, knowledgebase, and AI technology”

  • A year of Wolfram’s technologies and software- one personal edition and a one-year subscription to Wolfram Alpha Pro (value of $375)

Digital Ocean ⭐️

Bugsee ⭐️ Bug and Crash-Reporting for iOS and Android

  • 100 Bugsee Credits ($100 towards Bugsee’s services)

Best Solo Hack:

ULA Hat & T-shirt ⭐️
Digital Ocean ⭐️

Wolfram Alpha “Compute expert-level answers using Wolfram’s breakthrough algorithms, knowledgebase, and AI technology”

  • A year of Wolfram’s technologies and software- one personal edition and a one-year subscription to Wolfram Alpha Pro (value of $375)

Bugsee Bug and Crash-Reporting for iOS and Android

  • 100 Bugsee Credits ($100 towards Bugsee’s services)

Makey Makey “Let’s Invent!”

SANS “The most trusted source for information security training, certification, and research.”

Product Hunt “The best new products in tech”

Best EchoAR/VR Hack:
$50 Amazon Gift Card
Business Tier EchoAR Account

  • One-month EchoAR Business Tier Account (value of $89)

A feature in EchoAR's newsletter (sent to investors and AR/VR ecosystem)

⭐️ = Each hacker on the team will receive one of each prize