Auto-Topper :3

Auto topper Infra contract for on-chain AI NPCs. ML Village x AW Research Collab

  • 19,048 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Giza



Problem Statement 

Currently users plays on chain games such as Loot Realms / Loot Survivor which requires constant spending of ETH / LORD / ERC20 for their transactions. With the advent of on-chain Autonomous NPCs there is a need for supplying "Gas Tank" for this NPCs to draw ETH/LORD/ERC20 from to pay gas. These tanks can be funded by gaming DAOs.

Our project is a Auto topper contract that allows to auto top up a specific contract given by the user when it's gas is low. This is achieved by a paymaster backend that monitor the gas level of the target contract. So when the gas is low it will auto top up the contract with some gas. Also if a transaction reverts out of gas the Auto topper will send the target contract more gas. We have embedded Ekubo Hooks inside our Auto topper contract so that it can be use with our decision tree Giza model to swap ETH/LORD/ERC20 when the supply is low or based on an algorithm. In this was it ensure efficient use of the DAOs supplied funds. 

We have build a sampled game based of the openAI's taxi gym with our own Q-learning agent to simulate an on-chain NPC that continuously move and consume gas on-chain the Auto topper performs its function on supplying gas to the AI Agent's wallet  

This project is a a partnership between ML Village x AW Research. 
ML Village 

- Vincent 
- 0xHatsume

AW Research 

- Gink 
