
Heilsa app empowers the patient and ensures quality treatment while decreasing the load on the Health care system.

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  • Heilsutækni



Heilsa app will empower the patient in his treatment. Giving him treatment overview and detailed "to do" list, to ensure treatment adherence​.

Our aim is to assist the Health Care system to deliver high quality care to patients decreasing the load on the system.

We will use the data to guide the patient in the right direction. ​​Therefore the need to contact the Health care system is kept at a minimum without affecting the quality of the treatment.​

The team members have in-depth knowledge of the Icelandic health care system. The team is experienced in working in E-health both in developing solutions and implementing them to the market. We all have a relative dealing with chronic disease. It is difficult for them to have a treatment overview. We are passionate to enable them to live their life to the fullest, giving them tools to empower them to take control of their treatment. ​

