
Your one-stop destination for getting work outsourced...

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • HawkHacks Global Category
  • NEAR Sponsored Prize Category
  • Adobe Express



Imagine you need a micro-task to be done, which contains work that needs input from numerous people. All you need is Workify. At Workify, we facilitate people by outsourcing their work using our platform, which can help them make micro-payments even in cents that is not possible 

What it Does

Our project has two interfaces, one for the user and the other for the worker. The user interface is used to upload the tasks to be done and the worker interface is where people can complete tasks and earn crypto tokens.

How We Built It

  • Backend - Node, express, S3 SDK, Zod, Prisma, PostgreSQL
  • Frontend - Near BOS, Next.js, Tailwind

Challenges We Ran Into

  • Connection with the database
  • Learning about Near and its protocol
  • Uploading images to S3 using a pre-signed URL
  • coming up with the structure of backend APIs

Accomplishments That We're Proud Of

  • Learning about Near protocol
  • First time building a DAP (Decentralized Application)
  • Coming up with this amazing idea

What We Learned

After working on this project for the previous 36 hours, we learned a plethora of things including what is Near all about and how their protocol works, we learned how to create and work with Decentralized Applications (DAP) and, we also learned how to work with S3 service.

What's Next?

Next, we would like to integrate our app with Near, we would like to deploy our frontend on the blockchain using BOS (Blockchain OS) and we would like to add more kinds of tasks and media support on our website.
