
NaaamoFit enables gyms to accept cryptocurrency payments easly, using Account Abstraction for a Web2 experience. Users earn cashback for time spent in the gym, with no wallet management for nobody

  • 750 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • 😮 Account Abstraction track


  • 🧪 Superfluid
  • 👨‍🔧 Pimlico
  • 🎹 Privy
  • 😮 Account Abstraction [MAIN TRACK]



Project Name


Description of the project

NaaamoFit is a platform that allows gyms to accept cryptocurrency payments easily through Account Abstraction, offering a Web2-like experience. Gym owners and customers don’t need to manage crypto wallets, simplifying the process. Also, users earn cashback rewards based on the time spent at the gym, incentivizing consistent attendance and engagement.

Team Contacts

Repository with project’s code

Website URLs


  • Privy: we used Privy SDK to allow users to connect on NaaamoFit with just an email, their Google or Farcaster account. Privy permits to offer a Web2-like experience. Everything is completely transparent to the end users thanks to Pimlico Smart Accounts.
  • Pimlico: using Smart Accounts, we managed to derive another account. Thanks to permissionless.js, we managed to batch multiple transactions to enhance the UX.
  • SuperFluid: we wanted to create a reward system to incentivize users to go to the gym and stay fit, and we think that a continuous stream of cashback during each training session could be a great opportunity. The idea is to release the cashback gradually. When users arrive at the gym, they scan a QRcode, and a stream of tokens starts from the gym wallet to the user. When the users leave the gym, the streams end. We implemented SuperFluid steams using fUSDC SuperTokens.
