
A decentralized, ZK-proof-based polling platform exclusively for verified Ethereum contributors, fostering secure and transparent community quality-control.

  • 19,613 Raised
  • 11 Judges


  • Sismo - Bounty #1
  • Sismo - Bounty #2
  • Sismo - Bounty #5
  • Ethereum Foundation - Bounty



A decentralized, on-chain, ZK-proof-based polling platform exclusively for verified Ethereum contributors, fostering secure and transparent community quality-control featuring zkconnect and intuition attestations.

We've taken the website and added onchain polls/attestations that have membership gateable votes (utilizing zkconnect to prove if you belong to one of those groups). This can be used to collect feedback and survey specified groups (eg only folks who have completed tutorial X can rate the articles helpfulness or only contributors to the merge can make accuracy judgements on articles detailing the technical specification)\

Here's a small example for how it can be used:

1. First the user must connect their metamask wallet to the website, this can be any wallet they wish - keeping the identity associated with the gated portion secret if they choose to 

2. On certain blog posts, the user will see polls at the bottom, some of which are "zk connect gated" If they are gated the user must connect their vault to see if they meet some the eligibility criteria  to participate (while giving them the option to keep that identity hidden)

3. For this blog post you see that the requirement is "merge contributor" (due to hackathon related constraints) but it could just as easily be "has deployed hello world tutorial contract" returning groups from a api server that scans test networks for addresses that have deployed bytecode matching that of the tutorial code.

4. The poll then becomes ungated and the user is able to vote. We are using a relayer + permits to relay their attestations on the polls for ease of use.

5. the attestations relating to their vote can be seen onchain at the wrapper contract address on polygon mumbai and on our subgraph indexing the votes.


api -

contracts -

subgraph -

website -

