Water Fintech Hackathon

Be an active part of the reconstruction journey and help us find new ways to rebuild Mykolaiv and its water supply!

  • 35 Participants
  • 26,000 Invested
  • 0 Uninvested


  • Social Good & Impact
  • Water
  • Blockchain
  • Sustainability

Water Fintech Hackathon

Mykolaiv was known worldwide as the key location for shipbuilding engineering. Russian army has damaged heavy industry facilities but the expertise and infrastructure is there: ports, railway, roads. 

Encountering the greatest challenges in the area of urban water supply since April 2022 Mykolaiv is one of the few cities in Ukraine that puts development of its critical water and energy infrastructure on top of its priorities. 

Another factor that is playing an important role for the city is its human capital. Recovery of Mykolaiv shall go hand in hand with capacity building measures: educational programs, trainings etc.

Challenges to explore!

Material damages caused to Mykolaiv as a result of Russia’s attack on Ukraine are immense and the war is ongoing. The city requires international support to recover and to be able to offer comfortable living standards and working conditions to its inhabitants.

Key sectors that suffered the most from the Russian invasion as of May 2024:

  • 386 MLN EUR – housing
  • 267,8 MLN EUR – industry & agro
  • 222.6 MLN EUR – health
  • 45.3 MLN EUR – education
  • 41 MLN EUR – water infrastructure 

Russian army has destroyed the water intake at the river of Dnipro, additionally it was flooded after the destruction of Kakhovka Dam. It is impossible neither to repair it nor to rebuild. As soon as cities equipment and machines are approaching the frontline, where the facility was located, they are being targeted by the enemy. 

Overall 400+ MLN EUR is needed to build a new water intake and water main for the city of 500.000 inhabitants. Neither the state of Ukraine, nor the city of Mykolaiv or International Financial Institutions are able to provide this large funding to secure a reliable potable water supply. 

We need new ways to finance the efforts to rebuild! 

Therefore we defined the following challenges:

💦   Blockchain to finance critical water infrastructure projects in Ukraine and worldwide

💦   Cryptocurrencies to create a crypto fund for infrastructure projects

💦   Gamification to identify new ways to finance critical infrastructure recovery and development

💦   NFT to fundraise for critical water infrastructure in Mykolaiv and Ukraine

💦   BYO - Bring your Own Idea 

Hackers from Across the World welcome!

We are a non-for-profit and love to collaborate with enthusiasts that want to help rebuild Ukraine. It does not matter if you are a student, a tech expert, a business major, a seasoned founder or a government official. We welcome all hackers that want to join us.

Please register and form teams with like-minded hackers. Our Hackathon platform will help you to find your right match!

Let the water FLOW for Mykolaiv! 


Podcast: Ukraines's Water Sector - The Other Front 

Hanna Slobodyanyuk-Montavon from Mykolaiv Water Hub (MWH) and Oksana Polishchuck from Vinnytsia Water Canal discuss not only the current challenges of Ukrainian water sector caused by full-scale Russian invasion but also chances for development and innovation in this Water Leaders Pod episode .