Hack the Electron - A

Get your hands on our electricity consumption dataset and design new services to increase efficiency and quality of life for millions of electricity customers

  • 93 Participants
  • 155,000 Invested
  • 0 Uninvested


  • Energy

Hack The Electron - A

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Everyone is talking about smart grids. Why? They are key enablers of the revolution that the electric grid is undergoing. As the forces of Decarbonization, Digitalization, and Decentralization gain momentum, a new way of managing the electric grid must be developed to face the brave new world that is coming.

A smarter way.

The bad news is that there is still a lot of work to be done. The good news is that where there is work, you can always find opportunities.

In this hackathon, we invite you to help shape the future of power systems by focusing on one of its fundamental building blocks, the smart-meter.

We challenge you to think, design and prototype services around the smart meter which will create value for the end user. These services can be provided by the DSO itself, or by other market agents.

You will have access to a dataset with load metering data from a building block of the DSO grid with hundreds of different final customers (two years of data with 15-minute granularity). Some of these customers live in single/individual houses, others live in flats in three different buildings. You will also have access to additional information about each customer, like, for instance, contracted power.

That’s it. The rest is up to you.

If you need a couple of ideas as a source of inspiration:

  • Is the contracted power adequate? What would be the economic advantage of providing dynamic change of contracted power. Can you quantify it? How could it be implemented?
  • What would be the best tariff for each household? For simplification consider only the tariffs provided by EDP Serviço Universal (the regulated market)
  • Would there be any benefit if the household installed PV and/ or batteries?
  • If one of these customers wants to have an Electric Vehicle (EV), what kind of impact do you expect it to have on the load profile? What kind of services could you develop for the customer?
  • As we mentioned, some of the data is from people living in flats. How does your analysis change is this situation? How does the building load profile change with PV and/or EVs? Can you develop services on the building level?
  • Don’t forget that these customers are all part of a small section of the grid. What services can you develop on the macro-scale? What is the impact of DERs (distributed energy resources) and EVs?


Do you have questions or doubts?

Reach us through our Taikai Slack, by join us through http://bit.ly/jointaikaislack posting your issues on #edp-hackthehelectron-a channel. We'll have people from EDP to answer any technical questions that may rise.



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