
Post and receive verifiable reviews on the blockchain.

  • 261 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • ETHDam - Security Track
  • NEAR - Power your startup with NEAR



KudAs let's you post and receive verifiable reviews on the blockchain. Boost reputations and watch the emerging social network of blockchain attestations!


  • Write and post verifiable reviews for people (identified by their wallets). If your wallet is reputable, the reviews you give will boost their reputation.
  • Receive verifiable reviews from others. Reviews from reputable wallets will give you credibility.
  • Upvote (downvote) reviews given to other people that you find helpful (unhelpful).
  • Watch a social graph emerge from the collective reviews. The graph can be shaped by the reviews’ helpfulness, a function of the rating and upvotes.

  Technology Stack

  1. The backend are attestations executed and stored using the Ethereum Attestation Service. It mainly consists of 2 schemas that store attestations for reviews: (a) a review schema used by a reviewer to review someone. It includes a score, a topic of the review, a title and a body; (b) an upvoting schema used by anyone to upvote or downvote an existing review. It includes the EAS ID of the review it links to and an up/down-vote.
  2. The frontend is a collection of NEAR components. These NEAR components fetch attestation data from the EAS contracts using the GraphQL API.
  3. Our NEAR components:
    1. 1) Main application (wrapper for other components; See the source code on Jutsu.ai)
    2. 2) List view of the reviews (Source code on Jutsu.ai)
    3. 3) Graph view of the reviews (Source code on Jutsu.ai)
    4. 4) Connection to user wallet (Source code on Jutsu.ai)
    5. 5) Link to EAS (Source code on Jutsu.ai)

  Challenges we encountered

  1. NEAR BOS doesn't yet support easy debugging and testing.
  2. NEAR documentation for the dev environment is still quite new.
  3. EAS SDK is not available on NEAR as it is an external library.
  4. EAS SDK conflicts with the latest version of certain libraries (e.g., Ethers).
  5. There's no access to DOM API in the NEAR components.

  Future Work

  1. Filter reviews that matter by filtering on wallet address.
  2. Label which wallets are persons vs. smart contract protocols.
  3. Port the EAS SDK to a NEAR smart contract.


  1. We deployed a NEAR smart contract that contains the EAS ABI on Ethereum Sepolia. The ABI alone was too large to be stored inside a NEAR component and was not handy to .fetch() as it needed to be reformatted.



  1. Sasha 
  2. Kate
  3. Ilya
  4. Leo 
