Use any asset on any chain on your dapp with chain abstraction.

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • ETHDam - Otter Track


Using crypto protocols is hard.  When interacting with dApps, if you have insufficient token balances, that’s the end of using the dApp. So using a crypto protocol most usually means going to different websites and 10+ steps - interacting with complicated UIs, wallet popups and confirmations, etc.

Slider solves this problem of disjointed UX in the crypto space. Users currently face difficulties due to the lack of a unified interface and the limited ability to operate across different blockchain networks. This fragmentation results in barriers that prevent users from smoothly utilizing dApps and managing their assets.

If the asset is on a different chain, Slider handles the necessary asset swaps and bridges the tokens to the correct chain using 0x Swap API for swaps and Across for bridging. This automation streamlines the process, removing the need for users to manually swap or bridge assets, which can be a complex and error-prone process.

For example, if you want to deposit USDT to Base but only have ETH on Arbitrum, the general flow of Slider is: 1) swap user’s ETH to USDC with 0x Swap API, 2) bridge USDC from Arbitrum to Base with Across, 3) swap user’s USDC to USDT with 0x Swap API, 4) deposit USDT to AAVE. Of course, the user only has to sign two transactions (the initial and end transactions), simplifying the UX of the current traditional flow, which would involve at least 4 transactions and 3 different user interfaces.


Project Website:


Devfolio Project (Where it started):

Old GitHub:
