DelayShield: Flight Insurance on Blockchain

Flight delay is one of the most stressful things on trips. DelayShield makes it simple by having no bureaucracies on having compensation if this happens to you. It's assured by Smart contracts.

  • 12,500 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Chainlink Functions



Traveling can be a rewarding experience, but flight delays can turn even the most exciting journeys into frustrating ordeals. 

With DelayShield, you no longer need to navigate complex insurance claims or wait for airlines to process compensation requests. We've leveraged the power of blockchain technology to create a straightforward and efficient solution for travelers. Our decentralized platform ensures that you receive the compensation you deserve when your flight doesn't go as planned.

Key Features:

Seamless Compensation: DelayShield simplifies the compensation process, allowing travelers to quickly and easily claim insurance coverage for flight delays.

Transparent and Trustworthy: Our smart contracts provide transparency and trust, ensuring that compensation is automatically triggered when delays occur, eliminating the need for manual claims.

Travel with peace of mind, knowing that DelayShield has you covered in the event of a flight delay. 

In the implementation, we used chainlink functions to query an API that gets real-time data for flights. 
1. First, the user buys the coverage for a specific flight. 
2. When he wants to claim this reimbursement, if the flight is 2 hours delayed for getting to the destination, we handle all this costly computation and query on chainlink functions, only dealing with the result on-chain to make the necessary actions.

Here is the script that runs inside chainlink function:

Here is the smart contract implementing chainlink:

Contract verified on Sepolia:

Feel free to read the and also run the commands. There are some scripts that will help to run the steps to reproduce all the flow.
