Travel Dash

Our idea was born to fill a gap in the tourism market and specifically in travel planning.Our goal is to provide a complete solution to users from the first step of their journey to the last

  • 473 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Greece


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💎 Idea

Travel Dash is a mobile application that every user can organize his trip in a simple way. In the market there are corresponding applications that concern both the field of travel organization and applications that offer services to tourists such as booking accommodation. The problem is that there is no application that offers all the services of travel planning and at the same time sets the user and his preferences as the central axis. Thus, the user in his attempt to organize his trip receives a large amount of information which he tries to utilize. As a result, the process of enjoyable travel planning often ends up in a long process of stress and fatigue. Additionally, the activities the user decides to follow during the trip are based on the experiences of other people who may not have the same interests. Thus the personalization of Travel Dash in combination with the completeness of the services can prevent these phenomena.

🛰️ EU space technologies

We plan to use EUMETSAT to provide our algorithm weather forecast data so our suggestions consider it.

Also we are going to use open map data provided by COPERNICUS for our map viewing.

🏖️ (Re)Visit Europe

We solve the second challenge (experiencing cities and cultures). Our application is involved in the field of tourism innovatively, putting at the center the user and his personality. At the same time we help the viability of local businesses. 

💪 Team 

Our team consists of three members. Iatroudi Rodoula studied in the Department of Computer Science with applications in biomedicine. She is also the Founder of Digital Dash, a digital marketing agency based in Lamia,Greece. The second member of our team, Mario Chatziangelakis, is System Administrator at Sol Crowe company with previous experience in DevOps and studied Computer Science.Mario is our DevOps engineer. Andreas Pastimas is our Full Stack Developer. Andreas studied Mathematics and has five years of experience as a Full Stack Developer.

