
An App where Users can specify the kind of Location where they want to travel to (by Climate, Urbanisation, Activity...) and then get recommendations of places to go based on these criteria.

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • Poland


  • Finding sustainable destinations


💎 Idea

Users of the App can input what kind of location they want to travel to by specifying for example which activities they want to do, what climate they prefer, or how urbanised their destination should be and get recommendations based on these criteria.

🛰️ EU space technologies

Highlight the data, information or signals you are using/intend to use in your idea. Include some information on how this brings value to your idea.

🏖️ (Re)Visit Europe

Which of the 3 challenges are you solving (finding sustainable destinations, experiencing cities and cultures or exploring nature with care), and how does this make tourism more sustainable and digital?

This App helps Users find sustainable destinations and experience new destinations they haven't even heard of. 

💪 Team 

Our Ideal Team would consist of:

1. Backend Wizard 

2. Frontend Wizard 

3. UX Designer

4. You tell me! 
