Matchmaking - Advancing global financial intelligence

For registrants from Finland interested in this topic and looking for a team

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • Finland


  • 3. Understanding and forecasting forced migration


💎 Idea

Tell us about your idea here. Explain the problem and how you're going to solve it.

🛰️ EU space technologies

Highlight the data, information or signals you are using/intend to use in your idea. Include some information on how this brings value to your idea

🏦 Space for the Financial World

Which of the 3 challenges are you solving, and how does this contribute to solving the problems faced in finance, insurance and investments?

🤼 Team

Tell us who is in your team, what role they have (e.g. coder/designer), and a 1-2 sentence bio.