Unlock Space for Sustainability!

Creating a ‘real life game experience’ for a sustainable future in which users fill the data gap in the financial sector with our location-based service

  • 6,746 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Germany


  • 2. Strengthening food security & access to clean water
  • 1. Supporting sustainable infrastructure development


💎 Idea


Companies have the obligation to make sure their value chains are as sustainable as possible. But in order to achieve sustainability goals as outlined by the Paris Agreement or the Agenda 2030 and for the sector to comply with the new sustainability monitoring and reporting requirements that were implemented as part of the EU’s “Action Plan for Sustainable Finance” we need to create solutions that provide the financial services industry, regulators and organisations that hold the sector accountable, with the data that enables them to understand and monitor the environmental implications of their activities. 

Space-based earth observation is an invaluable information source for environmental data and as such can play a key role in providing the required information. But for many insights that we want to get, we need to complement it with other data.

We have worked on a solution that combines satellite data and information with crowd-sourced data that is able to close location related data gaps instantly for our clients. 


Our Tattle-platform combines spatial data with local (groundtruth) data supporting companies in detecting irregularities in their supply chain assessment in line with their regulatory obligation. Our clients post questions related to location specific data and information gaps they have. 

The crowd will see those questions in our Tattle-Application and can close the data gap in the area/location they are in. They can answer questions in the application and upload photos. In return, our crowd receives 'tattlers', which can be interchanged for goods in our marketplace for donations to sustainable projects or the purchase of sustainable products. 

With this, we create a 'real life game experience' in which our users collect more information for the spatial analysis in the Tattle-platform. By making this a location-based service, we are able to track the environment and the landscape using space-based earth observation information as added value within the efforts of creating a sustainable value chain. 


  • Tattle is unlocking the last frontier for our clients!
  • Tattle combines spatial data with local (groundtruth) data supporting companies in detecting irregularities in their supply chain assessment in line with their regulatory obligation
  • The spatial component consists of insights and anomaly detection in environmental monitoring, using Machine Learning techniques. Our Machine Learning algorithms are trained with the data coming from the User Component, in which users provide us with ground truth 
  • To incentivise the users of the Tattle-Application, we explore how we can create a marketplace where the 'tattlers' can be interchanged for goods, such as donations to sustainable projects or the purchase of sustainable products. 
  • Create an easy to navigate map where we can match the areas of interest of the information requester and the location of the smartphone user

🛰️ EU space technologies

Space based earth observation data play a key role in our solution because it allows us to:

  1. Gather required (environmental) satellite-based data products for spatial analysis to contribute to existing database of our clients to reduce the information gap 
  2. Areas of interest with data gaps can be filled by user component to serve as Independent Complaint Mechanism (which is a future obligation within a sustainable value chain)  

The following data are key for our solution: 

- Satellite data (Copernicus Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P) and its derived products for spatial analysis (such as land cover, land use change, biomass, crop health, air pollution, moisture stress, etc.)

- GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System), such as Galileo and GPS, to collect locations of user data input

- Open-source data and information to monitor environment (Copernicus Sentinel derived datasets such as land cover, land use change, biomass, crop health, air pollution, etc.) 

🏦 Space for the Financial World

# Challenge 1 - Enabling Green and Sustainable Investment 

  • Social or environmental impact investing 
  • Sustainable business operations

Contributing to solving problems faced in finance/investments: verification, monitoring & evaluation of investment activities 

🤼 Team

Elise van Tilborg - Chief Tattler (CEO/COO)

Spatial analysis & Remote Sensing expert, project development and linking spatial components to existing data reports  

Nico Becker - Product Manager / Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Data Scientist - working in data & AI consultancy with experience in Machine Learning, Python development, Software engineering, Cloud engineering, Geospatial data 

Shenzhen Lu - Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Data Scientist - working in data science for machine maintenance in manufacturing with experience in Python, Machine Learning, Software Engineering and Geospatial data processing

Clemens Fucker - Business Development Manager

Go-to-market and sales strategist, experienced scrum master, defining worth of tattlers for the marketplace  

Aaron Bongert - Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Research analysis asset management: Sustainability analyses of companies and funds, improve our own sustainable performance
