Artic Optimium

Team with knowledge in bussiness, trade, law, applied statistics, machine learning, programming and web development...

  • 7,976 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Spain


  • This hackathon has categories available. Please select one if necessary.


 💎 Idea

Finding sustainable marine routes that preserve arctic flora and fauna, ensuring a safe journey of the passengers having in mind the extreme conditions and rapidly changing environmental situation.

🚀 EU space technologies

We need the information recollected from Satellite data WeKeo and Copernicus, about different variables such as the sea temperature, surface of the ice, land temperature, and the movements of clorophilious.

❄️ Connecting the Arctic

Safe passage at sea and caring for our wildlife. Our analysis is mainly concentrated on the Arctic geographical area, arctic biosphere, possible complications caused by conditions only found there.


Our team is formed by a small group of two programmers, who are studying applied statistics at the UCM (Roberto and Sergio), in the legal part we have a law graduate (Alberto) and on the analytical and business strategy side of the project we have a graduate and two students of the prestigious Complutense University (Bella, Marta and Victor).

  1. Beloslava is a second year statistical student with passion for programming, marketing and sociology. Loves polar bears.
  2. Marta is an statistic is a statistician, she is currently working for a company that works on programming chips to make payments. 
  3. Victor is a first and second year statistical student with passion for rugby , power lifting and saving the world. 
  4. Sergio is a senior Applied Statistics student at Universidad Complutense de Madrid who is very passionate about Mathematics and Astronomy.
  5. Alberto is a Business Graduate and law Student interested interested in business sustainability  and growth of the economy with the world not against the world.
  6. Roberto is passionate about solving problems and making the world a better place using Machine Learning and Statistical Modelling

