Dream Green

Team for Cassini Arctic Hackathon

  • 9,009 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • Germany


  • Caring for our wildlife


 💎 Idea

We plan to use satellite data to analyse different parameters that affect the wildlife habitat in the arctic region. Using this we quantify the vulnerability index for different habitat regions which can be further used for planning conservation programs.

🚀 EU space technologies

We use a variety of satellite data such as Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2, MODIS, and TERRA to derive habitat suitability parameters like snow cover, ice thickness, air temperature, area, forest cover and human population. This satellite data is especially useful as it is very challenging to collect field data from the Arctic region.

❄️ Connecting the Arctic

Our solution addresses the challenge on 'Caring for our wildlife' in Arctic. Climate Change has imposed a great risk to the wildlife globally, especially in the Arctic region. With our solution we try to create a composite indicator that highlights the vulnerability of the wildlife habitat so that informed conservation and mitigation measures can be taken.


Jainy Shah: She is a climate consultant and specializes on the topic of sustainability and climate mitigation. She is responsible for the research and sustainability aspects of the project.

Mihir Rambhia: He is pursing his PhD in the area of smart and sustainable cities. He is experienced in analyzing spatial data for making informed decision.

Mahir Bhatt: He works as research assistant to analyse public health data and is passionate to study the environmental on public health. With his previous knowledge in management he helps the team with business development aspects.
