
We create NFTickets and re-imagine the way we buy flight tickets online. With help of algorand we implement NFTickets as tokens and enable more efficiency and transparency in flight travel.

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Welcome to FlyHigh with EasyFly

FlyHigh with NFTickets

NFtickets are : Flight ticket as NFT => NFTicket

We are decentralized distribution of airline tickets through blockchain technology and smart contracts.

Arilines Industry is worth of USD 500 billion $. Yet we have lot of challenges for present industry. 


Here are the main Industry Challenge: 

Customer Friction

Every time customer compare multiple sites for getting the better and fair prices

Complex Retailing

Retailing in Airlines is very complex which restricts more players to come. Airlines want to sell anything to anyone, in any channel.

Lack of Data & Control

No Fair prices. No transparent commissions. Airlines need new tech infrastructure to regain control of products, money, and data.

Non De-centralization

Web3.0 is better for security and efficiency. Airline Industry is ready for it. 

Solution: FlyHigh with EasyFly

What is Flyhigh?

Flyhigh is fligth ticketing with NFtickts. 

airlines now expand the reach of their direct distribution strategy, increasing revenue, reducing costs, and providing a better experience for customers

empowers customers to transfer, rename, or resell their tickets while providing airlines with a transparent, secure, and efficient distribution system.

~ travelers can truly own and manage their tickets according to their needs

~ trade and transfer to another traveler with full transparency and confidence.

What are NFTickets?

NFTickets, governed by smart contracts, enable secure, flexible, and efficient ticket distribution, reducing customer service costs and increasing revenue for airlines as they collect a fee from NFTicket trading transactions.

~ NFTickets are bound with ticket-related rules and conditions integrated into the smart contract provided Algorand

The rules under which these operations take place are governed by the airline through the generation of a smart contract.

NFTicket fundamentals

When a customer buys a ticket. NFTicket is issued on top of it.

NFTicket can be re-named, transferred and/or traded.

NFTicket and E-Ticket have the same fare rules and itineraries are constantly synchronized.

NFTicket rules can be parameterized by the Airlines (Smart Contracts set up).

Airlines have full traceability of NFTickets as data insights.

NFTickets is recorded on an immutable register, providing complete traceability and transparency throughout the ticketing process. 


advance ticket buying with reselling opportunities, 

bulk purchases,

innovative payment methods using NFTickets as collateral, 

More efficient and personalized experience for customers.

1. De-centralized platform

    Hence no additional cost such as ~ 1% to 2% saving

        service charges 

        platform charges

2. NFTicket is re-sellable

    Hence no cutting on cancellation / re-sell => 100% returns on re-selling

Airline :: resel -> part of reselling [ part of percentage of profit ~ with conditions to airlines ]

All user cases

3. Travel Agencies make up around ~10% of the flight fare 

    Hence we can reduce this cost.

Intense KYC using our system.

User with upsell with a limit.

Advance Analytics now possible on individual airline flights seat ticket level

NFTicket technology was built on Algorand, the world’s most secure, reliable, and sustainable blockchain and this milestone is not only transforming ticket distribution but creating the largest Utility NFT use case in blockchain.

Staci Warden, CEO of Algorand Foundation:

The adoption of NFTicket technology represents a significant milestone for the airline industry

Finally ::

Flexibity | Transparent | Airlines has ability to call to explore with NFTicket.


Yeshwanth Sai Melpati

