
A platform that collateralizes assets cross-chain for self-repaying loans utilizing Circle's CCTP and Account Abstraction to provide a seamless user experience

  • 5,100 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • DeFi
  • Tooling


  • Dyson Finance
  • Linea
  • ETHTaipei Community Finalist
  • Optimism
  • ThunderCore
  • Scroll
  • Zircuit
  • Circle



What is CrossYield?

CrossYield facilitates cross-chain collateralization of assets for self-repaying loans, leveraging Circle's CCTP and Account Abstraction to execute transactions without the need for gas fees.

Problem Statement‼️

This innovating project aims to tackle a few major problems that are being faced in the Defi space,

1. Poor management of debt leads to bigger problems

2. Currently, borrowing & Lending platforms do not support cross-chain collateralization

3. Bridging of assets requires high gas fees


CrossYield aims to allow users to have the flexibility to borrow/ lend loans across different chains without the need for bridging and incurring any additional gas fees. Borrowed loans can be repaid using the yield generated by the asset collateral.

Unique Value Proposition

What makes CrossYield unique is the seamless cross-chain collateralization, enabling users to exchange assets across different blockchains within the platform, optimizing borrowing strategies and accessing funds effortlessly.

How it's made?

  • Account Abstraction- Account abstraction within blockchain systems allows for assets to be exclusively held by smart contracts rather than being controlled by externally owned accounts (EOAs)
  • Circles Cross-Chain Transfer. Protocol(CCTP) - This protocol enables USDC to flow securely between blockchains

The Stack

  • Frontend- Next.JS, TailwindCSS, Progressive Web App (PWA)
  • UI Library- DaisyUI
  • Web3 Development- Solidity, Foundry, Thirdweb

Contract Adress


1. [Vault Contract]

2. [SynToken]

3. [Treasure]


1. [Vault Contract]

2. [SynToken]

3. [Treasure]


1. (Vault Contract) 

2. (SynToken)

3. [Treasure]


1. [Vault Contract

2. [SynToken]

3. [Treasurey]


1. [Vault Contract]

2. [SynToken]

3. [Treasury


1. [Vault Contract]

2. [SynToken]

3. [Treasury]

Team Members

1. Yudhishthra (Team Leader, Fullstack Developer): 

Email: [email protected]

Number: +60132083324

2. Benjamin Tan (Frontend/ Help with backend):

Email: [email protected]

Number: +60183787276

3. Yee Chian ( Frontend + Contract Hooks Developer):

Email: [email protected]

Number: +601126182498

4. Viman Vinesh ( Business side):

Email: [email protected]

Number+ 60104040753

5. Vanessa Chan ( Business side):

Email: [email protected] 

Number: +60169969814

Link for judges: 

Slides Link:

CrossYield Platform:
