Nations Unite NFTs

Nations Unite NFT Collection is a Creation of Hand Minted Illustrations, representing The 6 Livable Continents Maps of the Worlds with the traditional Attire Prints associated with each Country

  • 1,415 Raised
  • 16 Judges


Artist’s Statement

Nations Unite NFT Collection is a Creation of Hand Minted Illustrations, representing The 6 Livable Continents Maps of the Worlds with the traditional Attire Prints associated with each Country. NFTs & Fashion is a Budding Space in Web 3.0 and the Metaverse, and just Like how many Artists found Encouragements of their works and Ideas during the most recent Surge of Nfts in the Blockchain Industry, I believe that Fashion Designers around the world can also Utilize NFTs Technology to Speak Masses to Individuals.

I started this Collection to signify the Movement of; Togetherness and Co-operation for Individuals Into Blockchain and what better way to represent that than By teaching people about Their Very Neighboring Countries and what makes them Special and Stand out.

Let me introduce myself by saying that I'm a Digital Creator and Fashion Design Student from Africa at Drexel University for the Fashion Design Program, and after Finding out about Telos, I was solely impressed and connected the Feeling Truth and Unitedness. Working on this Project as an Individual Artist has Inspired me to Push forward my Dream of Fashion in the Metaverse Big Time with the Following Products:

(1) Diversifying this Collection to Include:

(a)  NFTs Collection of Popular Land-Marks and Destinations in Continents - Hand Drawn + Inclusion of Copyright Free Media

(b) NFTs Collection of Food Origination and their Countries - Graphics Design Artworks

(c) NFTs Collection of Ways of Greeting Around the World - Graphic Text Beatifications

The above will be the Collections of Nations United NFTs Project and by Sending such Messages Visually to People, I hope for this representation with NFTs & Blockchain, would engage Uninformed Folks to view it much differently.

    (2) NFTs-Fashion in the Metaverse:

(a) Partnerships with Metaverse Ecosystems and Web 3 Social Worlds to Create Virtual Mech from the Nations United Collections

(b) Creating a Variety Design Patterns of Apparels for Avatars in Established Projects such as ReadyPlayerMe, Somnium Space, Decentraland, and for External Brands, Events and Contests.

Winning 25k Telos?

If my idea is among the Winners, it would enable me to First Get Better Equipment to continue my Artistic Work and improve my Productivity going forward. I would also like to Gain more practical knowledge In the NFTs + Fashion Space on Blockchain by Contributing and Sharing my Voice while Connecting with Like Minded Communities. I would be Happy to Create a Small Team, and start by Onboarding a Metaverse Advisor to Strategize Together Our Building Process, Roadmap, Target Audience/Platforms, and Marketing Channels( Because I’m Well aware that Even the Best Products require Great Marketing to Shine).

Finally, It has been a Dream of Mine to Travel around the World, Winning in this Contest, would give me the Opportunity to Tour across Special Cultural HotSpots Locations to learn More about their Uniqueness and What Fashion Means to them, helping me to acquire First Hand Experience and Insights on how to Create Better Utility around our NFTs headed into the future.

Why Telos?

After Finding Telos Blockchain on Twitter, I have perceived Telos to be very Transparent and think it is the best blockchain for my NFTs to be represented on. The Several Consensus22 tours by Telos to create awareness around Web3 was how I first learnt about Telos, and while I didn’t get to attend any, they all seemed very cool to me. Telos is also a very easy platform for Beginners to get started with NFTs.
