Sacred Geometry NFTs by KPNFTs

Where we build from all different types of sacred geometric patterns in the universe in trading card format. Owners of Any NFT from the collection will unlock my newest Music Album of the same name.

  • 91 Raised
  • 7 Judges



Sacred Geometry NFTs are Founded by KPNFTS 

 Sacred Geometric Patterns are found all through-out the universe and even in our DNA

 [Double Helix]



Our new Collection will be of different patterns, in a glowing element and space type scene, created in trading card format.

Much more of our work can be found here on  AreaX & ZeptagramNFT

Our Emanate Profile 

And All other links HERE


No Generative art here. At Least not yet.

 All our art is created with:

  • After Effects 
  • Element 3D
  • Photoshop
  • C4D 
  • Abelton Live
  • Bitwig
  • Lightroom
  • Snapseed
  • Unreal Engine (coming soon)

   Each NFT series has a lot of hours behind them. 

Owners of anyone of the NFTs from the collection will have unlocked my new album Sacred Geometry.

And A follow up Album to Scared Geometry will be our Double Helix EP which will also be released worldwide in reference to the NFT Album. 


What you get :

  • One Sacred Geometry NFT
  • ONE NFT will unlock Krazypoet's new album Sacred Geometry 
  • The NFT will also have a Proof of mint signed by the artist 
  • Early Access to the follow up EP Double Helix on Emanate 
  • Chance to win more NFTs from KPNFTs
  • An Opportunity to Collab or Be on a Single Release from Krazypoet aka KP on Krazypoet Productions Label 
  • to be announced 


What we will be able to do if we win a position in the contest:

  1. Make more NFTs more regularly
  2. Buy me a boat LOL just kidding 
  3. Invest more in the communities and support other artist
  4. Collaborate with others to form more connections within the communities and beyond  
  5. Create my first generative style on Telos 
  6. New website and SEO
  7. Travel to crypto conventions and support Telos and the team as well as my Appics Family 
  8. Promote Telos, Appics, Zeptagram, and Emanate to all local Festival events and Conventions in California and beyond
  9. Help Rebuild and volunteer for our local rebuilding efforts in our local disaster reliefs, like Rebuild our Sierra Project which I am currently apart and hoping to donate more time and resources too. 
  10. Party like its 1999 with a nostalgic vibe on a new series I have in the background

Also Join if you have not already here Appics

