
Perpetually offers a solution for self-custody wallet owners to guard against accidental death by conditionally sending their crypto to beneficiaries

  • 8,272 Raised
  • 4 Judges




Billions of dollar value is stored in non-custodial crypto accounts that cannot be easily transferred to family members and loved ones if the account owners pass away.  If you get hit by a truck tomorrow are you confident your children will acquire your crypto holdings? 

Perpetually leverages Rootstock EVM-compatible smart contracts that are triggered through various conditions and events. The wallet owner uses Perpetually to configure the custom smart contract with their desired distribution details: when and how to trigger their distribution, what to distribute, in what proportions, etc. 

Technical Summary:

The majority of funds in the ecosystem are within Bitcoin which at the time of this writing has a market cap of $1.3T, so we wanted to build where the money was. EVM compatibility makes using Rootstock an easy choice for us since we all had familiarity building on Ethereum. In addition to this the healthy ecosystem of partners and RPC enabled calls made our lives even easier with out of the box components. In particular we are using thirdweb for most of our smart contract work -  our demo leverages the Split() functionality.

Next steps:

Following the Hackathon we would like to continue building on Bitcoin since it is by far the largest crypto holding and market opportunity, and plan to do so by using Powpeg to do so.


Link to Github Repo

Link to Canva Presentation