Project Description
QuadrikChain was created to enhance the funding of DeFi projects transparently through a quadratic voting approach. This system allows participants to allocate their preferences more expressively, reflecting the intensity of their support for various proposals.
QuadrikChain is composed of four distinct parts:
API for Developers:
QuadrikChain extends with an API that enables direct interaction with underlying technologies like IPFS. With endpoints such as /ipfs/store-any-object, it offers additional interaction and data storage capabilities.
How it's Made
The Frontend is built on top of Vite Application with design built with HTML, Tailwind CSS, for the best User Experience and Clean Interactive interface.
TypeScript & React are used for building the core logic of the platform to enable a type safe and Smooth experience.
Hardhat is being used for compiling the contract code in solidity. Ethers.js is used to facilitate Contract deployment and Interaction with Blockchain. Wagmi + Rainbowkit to enable wallet Connection with Rockstock testnet.
The website is deployed in Fleek and metadata contract data is stored in IPFS via Pinata service through the NessJS backend. Firebase was used for improving the application performance.