What is this
A console-based to-do list application built with C++.
What does it do
This application allows users to record tasks they want to complete. Users can set the importance and due date for every task. The application also provides options for modifying and deleting tasks.
Technologies Used
Why did I make this
I like time management as well as organization in study and work. So I want to use my coding skills to make an applet that fits my requirements and usage habits most!
How to Install
The easiest way to run the application is by downloading the executable file via the following path: HawkHacks Project TODO List/x64/Debug/HawkHacks Project TODO List.exe
How to use
Open the application to see a control menu. Each operation can be accomplished by entering the appropriate number. You need to create at least one task to make any other operations possible. When creating a task, be careful with the data entry or you will not be able to create one.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or create an issue.