
NearlyDone is a to-do list app based on the Near protocol that motivates users by compelling them to donate funds if they don't accomplish their tasks.

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • HawkHacks Global Category
  • NEAR Sponsored Prize Category
  • Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry
  • Best DEI Hack sponsored by Fidelity




When our group started brainstorming for possible project ideas, we decided to discuss problems we faced in our daily lives and possible ways they could be solved. One of our team members talked about how procrastination caused him to delay starting work until right before it was due, or even worse, sometimes after it was late. Our team thought that a solution to this was creating a timed to-do list that would keep track of deadlines, and we added the concept of NEAR costs being donated to both motivate users to complete their tasks on time as well as to help charities doing work they want to support.

What it Does

NearlyDone is a to-do list app built on the NEAR protocol that motivates users by imposing “costs” on them if they don’t complete their tasks on time. Users are able to add, delete, and check off tasks like on a regular to-do list, and are also able to set a deadline, cost amount, and recipient for each task. If a task isn’t completed and checked off by the deadline, then the cost amount will be sent from the user’s NEAR wallet to the recipient’s. Recipients on NearlyDone include a wide range of different charities, allowing users to support causes close to them with money from their incomplete tasks. NearlyDone not only encourages users to complete their day to day tasks, but also promotes DEI principles by providing funding for charities.

How We Built It

We built NearlyDone on the NEAR protocol primarily using Next.js and React. Prior to starting this project, none of our team members had experience with blockchain development, Next.js, or React, so we dove deep into documentation, tutorials, and other resources provided on NEAR’s developer pages.

Challenges We Ran Into

Creating our contract was a big hurdle our team faced at the beginning of our project. None of our team members had experience with blockchain development, so we had to read a lot of documentation, experiment with a variety of different frameworks, and go through a lot of trial and error before we were even able to deploy a contract that allowed users to log in to their wallets. Another challenge we faced was creating the front end of our project. Our team had very minimal front end experience, so we had to go through many tutorials and fix a lot of bugs before we were able to get our website up and running.

Accomplishments That We're Proud Of

We are proud of creating a project that not only compels people to work on achieving their goals, but also creates funding for charities. Another source of pride for our team is the fact that we were able to pick up new technologies and create a working project in under two days, even though our team members had cumulatively attended only two hackathons and had very minimal experience with the tools we used.

What We Learned

Overall, this whole project was a learning experience for our team. We gained a new understanding of blockchain development, as well as front end design and programming. Other than technical experience, we also gained knowledge on a variety of blockchain topics, including contracts, transactions, staking, and security.

What's Next?

We are hoping to keep working on NearlyDone and are planning to add many more features to increase its functionality. Possible add-ons include a staking option where user’s stake their NEAR if they don’t complete their tasks, a giveaway section where users can enter charity raffles if they complete their tasks, and a progress tracker that stores a heatmap of users’ completed tasks and the length of their longest and current completion streaks. 
