Dev Stats

Dev Stats streamlines the process of connecting with other developers while making it more efficient.

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  • 0 Judges


  • HawkHacks Global Category
  • Best Domain Name from GoDaddy Registry




Dev-Stats (GitHub)

Inspiration ✨

As developers looking for collaboration we wanted a quick way for us to examine a fellow developer and their skills with simply their Git Hub. Our project Dev Stats takes all of the clutter away from GitHub and states important information so you can decide weather this is the developer you might want to work with. 

What it Does 💻

By providing our program with a users GitHub user name it can automatically come up with the top 10 languages and frameworks they use. It also determines how active you have been with GitHub based off of repository contributions. If you want other people to check out your profile you can simply log into the app and share a link or a QR code to your profile.

Challenges we ran into 🏔️

Some of the challenges that we ran into are merge conflicts especially sending things to the wrong branch. This would cause massive delay as one person would have to cherry pick and fix the merge conflict instead of coding up a feature. One more thing that we struggled on was project management, we didn’t have a clear plan or a sequential order to how things were to be done which put us behind schedule.

Accomplishments that we are proud of 🎉

Rate-limiting was a cool feature that we got added, even with no experience we implemented it it was also something that was very practical making our program more ready for the later stages of development. We also implemented 3 different ways to share your profile including a QR code which was another cool new feature that we added. 

What we learned 📚

Throughout the duration of the Hackathon everyone learnt one new thing ranging from typescript to react. As a group we also learned about the importance of a version control system like git and GitHub. During this hackathon we had minimal merge conflicts as we knew what files and folders were ours.
