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We were primarily inspired by two things: 1. Our friend has a great fashion sense and always wore different articles of clothing everyday. 2. The large issue of post-consumer waste related to the fashion industry.
What It Does:
WeeklyWardrobe is a mobile application product service that helps people explore and mature their fashion needs. The app provides a platform for people to give up their unused clothing and make money from lending it to others to try on. Consumers of the application will pay a subscription fee for access to clothing to try on weekly which arrives right at their doorstep. The application will also provide a recommendation system for users to purchase clothing that matches their style from brand deals.
Brands can advertise their clothing to users, users can try on clothing and solidify what clothing they really like. Companies no longer have to suffer from the high costs of returns and users can save money by not having to buy clothing that they don't like. Overall, this app connects both large clothing companies and general consumers together to create a healthy ecosystem where we reuse and repurpose old and unwanted clothing (in good condition).
How We Built It:
Weekly Wardrobe was constructed using a variety of technologies. The front-end is used both ReactJS and TailwindCS, ExpressJS was used for the Backend API, GoDaddy was used to obtain the domain, Docker was used for CI/CD containerization along with Github for CI/CD automation and code collaboration, JEST was used for Unit Tests, for the deployment a Linux VPS was implemented.
Our largest challenge within this competition was trying to come up with an innovative idea that we could all stand behind. We went through many failed ideas and wasted a significant amount of time due to not finding a suitable project early enough. Another challenge we encountered was with the implementation of WEB3 and Blockchain technology. These are technologies that we as a team have no experience with and really struggled to try and implement within our project.
Many accomplishments were met at this hackathon for our project, these would include the successful deployment of our website, an easy to use and responsive front-end UI/UX. Additionally, we established an effective continuous integration and development pipeline, and fully implemented a functional crypto wallet. These were large accomplishments that allowed the project to be successful.
What we learned:
The most important thing we learned during this hackathon was to put further emphasis on the initial stages of project planning. In future competitions and projects, we plan to firstly solidify the project’s idea before we do any sort of programming. This will ensure that we waste no time programming a mediocre project before switching gears and finding a new idea.
What’s next for WeeklyWardrobe?
The future of WeeklyWardrobe holds many possibilities. We plan on integrating blockchain technology to enhance security and transparency. As well utilizing machine learning and AI, a filtering algorithm can be put into place for the recommendations which would offer a very high accuracy for the customers. Additionally, migrating our infrastructure to a cloud such as AWS would lead to scalability, reliability and a better user experience. These future changes would allow Weekly Wardrobe to be a more enjoyable and easier to use platform.