Cyber Surgeons


  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • HawkHacks Global Category
  • Neurelo Sponsored Prize Category
  • Best Use of MongoDB Atlas




One of our team members, Gloria went to the hospital recently and realized that the waiting times were extremely long. As a result, the team wanted to make an app or software that would help to speed up the process of collecting information from patients. Ultimately, our goal was to increase efficiency within hospitals and clinics so that more patients can be treated. 

What it does:

After the patients arrive at the hospital or clinic, they are given a device so that they can input their information onto Cyber Docs. The information includes the patient's full name, age, and symptoms. After this data is collected, (in the waiting rooms) it will then be transferred to a database so that doctors are able to access it. 

How we built it:

Using Neurelo through MongoDB, this system uses a mix of skills that was learned from this hackathon. React.js, node.js, and css were just some of the topics that we had no clue about before this weekend. Using axios, the React.js script sends and reads data through Neurelo. 

Challenges we ran into

Initially, we wanted to incorporate AI into our website so that the symptoms inputted by the user will be transferred to an AI model. The AI model would then find the user the best type of doctor (i.e. a cardiologist) and output that information into the database. This would further speed up the process of connecting a patient with a doctor. Seemingly pretty easy, but as we tested and tested models of Google's Gemini AI, the code just couldn't seem to click. After asking mentors, execs, and others for help, AI was unfortunately taken off due to our limited knowledge in that field, and how stumped everyone else got.

Accomplishments that we're proud of:

Some accomplishments that we are proud of include connecting MongoDB while using the innovative technologies of Neurelo to access the database, and learning how to use API calls. Furthermore, our front-end developers are relatively new to coding, and we're proud of the hard work they put in to design a UI, and to write the code for it. Even though we couldn't get the AI to work, we are proud of the effort made by our backend developer. 

What we learned:

For many of us, we had to learn a new coding language. For example, in order to use React, our team had to watch several videos on Javascript, css, and html. In addition to that, our backend developers needed to learn how to use Neurelo and MongoDB in order to create the database. Ultimately, we learned how to work and communicate with each other, and we also improved our coding skills. 

What's next:

AI should definitely be able to be implemented, with the limited working time we had this weekend, we found solutions with the time given. However, this system could have big potential with AI recommendation and suggestions.
