
WristMate your new companion for aging.

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In recent year we have witnessed the rise of smartwatches, their software has been dominated by two major companies Google and Apple.

It is unquestionable how much these devices have improved our daily lives through their different sensors. However, although they have so much potential, these devices have not been used much to make life easier for the elderly.

Our solution plans to take advantage of this gap and provide them with a friendly interface for them to interact and take advantage of new development in the fields of medicine and machine learning while simultaneously creating an interface for other companies to develop and release modules for.

Throughout the idealization phase, we found several papers and already trained models that can help predict early stage chronic diseases, identify mistreatment,  cardiovascular and more recently COVID-19. Can you imagine having the ability to predict and prevent these disease at your wrist?

Furthermore, we will not be designing a custom watch, but taking advantage of the existing ones available today and creating a mobile and wear application called Wristmate, compatible with smartwatches as low as 39.99€.

The Canvas presentation can be view here.

