
Handy aims to simplify all apps and services available out there for older users.

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Meet Handy

Handy offers the comfort of a home, with an optimal challenge from the world.

The context 

Handy aims to simplify all apps and services available out there. Many applications that make life easier for seniors: apps for chatting, making calls, taking pictures, checking the news, you name it… Yet, can seniors make use of them easily?

All apps have different functionality and, obviously, different interfaces. While this might be straight forward and not a problem for young users, it leaves older users with an overwhelming feeling of confusion. Most of the time, they only use a certain application that a relative taught them how to use. What about if they want to use another app with no one's help? They won't be able to do it.

The solution

Our idea consists of creating a platform that aggregates all applications under a single app and interface. So instead of accessing many different platforms, services, and websites, users can rely on Handy to manage all their favorite apps and functionalities.

The apps will be exactly the same. However, we will add a layer of simplicity to facilitate interaction. Thus, senior users will be able to speak with their grandchildren via Skype or WhatsApp, check their favorite newspaper, or manage their Google Calendar under a single user-facing interface that will be much easier, simpler, and more intuitive. An interface built for them. No more ads, small fonts, or tiny buttons. Handy is the bridge that links senior users and the latest technologies.

Yet, although offering a single simpler interface, conceived for senior users from scratch, that gathers all other apps is an incredible step, Handy is much more than that. It doesn’t simply offer a comfortable interface for users with low-digital literacy.

First, Handy is a customizable smart interface that adapts to user’s digital skills. No user has the same needs and no user will be facing the same interface. Secondly, Handy stimulates and educates the user gradually, so that senior users can master new skills, such as grabbing and dragging. This means that if users want, they can face small challenges that were thought for them, considering their digital skills, evolution speed, and other factors. And as users surpass a new challenge, a new feature will be available for them on the interface.

Yes, you could say that Handy is a pretty interface. That’s right! Yet, it isn’t just pretty. It is bright, smart, and evolving.
