The ELEOS mission is about building a platform where we connect institutions and volunteers, allowing everyone to get the help they need in a practical and efficient way

  • 8,585 Raised
  • 10 Judges



ELEOS is a platform where Charity Institutions can register tasks. Each task is associated with a Person In Need and describes where, when and what type of help is needed. The registered volunteers are able to see what is available to be picked and can assign themselves to a desired task. To be able to choose a certain task, the volunteers need to be certified by the institution responsible for that task. After contacting the institution and providing details, if the certain volunteer meets the requirements the institution can certify them within the platform. Each institution is responsible for registering the People In Need associated with them, by doing so we prevent people registering who might not have the resources to do that themselves. ELEOS will be able to provide people who want to help to those who need help in a simple and efficient manner.

Our Solutions:

Back Office Website 

BackOffice Web Page ( access with user:casa_misericordia_lisboa  pass:eleos123): 


Using our platform, institutions can create tasks, providing all the necessary information for its completion (date, type of activity, address, etc.). In addition, the institution can change the task’s visibility by allowing everyone to apply or only a selected few.

It is also possible to create groups of institutions that can work together, sharing their tasks and volunteers. 

Tutorial on How to Create a Task as an Institution:

Volunteer Website

Volunteer Web Page ( access with user:voluntario_joao pass:eleos123):

*You must enable localization to see the tasks on the map


With our website, volunteers are able to connect to our database of tasks and institutions. This allows them to check the list of unassigned tasks and choose which ones to accept. They can also check their current and past tasks, as well as update their profile and redeem their Eleos!

Tutorial on How to Create a Task as a Volunteer:

Volunteer App

This solution is also available and basically has all the information of the website accessible through your smartphone: available tasks, tasks already assigned, map with filters, institutions, more info and the profile where the user can for example redeem his Eleos!

To see in more detail the other aspect of our project like our Strategies, Business and Competitor Analysis please check our complete project report.

Explanatory video:

Pitch SlideShow ( Exceeds the max file size of assets )


