E-Wasto: GNSS Based E-waste Collection System

E-Wasto offers a social platform for users to supply and collect e-waste through the use of GNSS precise location and timing data to help mitigate the problem concerning e-waste.

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • Philippines


  • CHALLENGE #2 Environmental Challenges



  9-Step Framework 

🍃Oneliner: E-Wasto! The Right Place for your E-waste

  Solution and Usecase

  • With the emergence of new technologies yearly, the amount of discarded electronic devices such as televisions have also been increasing at an alarming rate. The management and disposal of e-waste is a major problem in the Philippines. Not only is the lack of proper disposal sites one of the biggest contributors to this issue, but also the masses’ lack of awareness. That said, E-wasto aims to solve this problem by creating a platform that will enable users to give their unwanted e-waste to partners of the platform who are willing to receive and collect them. This would be done by using the concept of reverse logistics with the aid of the GNSS location tracking system. Additional features include locating the nearest e-waste disposal site for the user and the system will also be able to provide information regarding e-waste and how to dispose of it properly.
  • E-Wasto process is shown in the following flowchart:
  • E-wasto connects the user to possible sites for them to dispose their e-waste

  Use of GNSS

  • The GNSS signals will be used to determine the precise location of the users via their devices where the system is installed.
  • Using the user location, E-wasto will pick the best possible site to minimize cost of disposal

🛰️ Specific use of Galileo

The project would be making use of the following services from Galileo:

  • High Accuracy Service

  • Open Service Navigation Message Authentication

  Market Potential

  • Due to the increase of work-from-home employees and students as response to the pandemic, the global e-waste management system market size has been steadily increasing. The usage of office desktops and computers has significantly lowered, thus creating the possibility of recycling them. Moreover, the market has registered a  Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.3% from the years 2021 to 2028. That said, the project can tap into the customer base of e-waste recyclers and the manufacturers. Comprehensively, the project’s customer segment mainly lies with household appliances, industrial electronics, and consumer electronics as it focuses on allowing households to properly dispose of their e-waste
  •  The project’s main revenue source will come in the form of commission fees. Every time e-waste is successfully sourced from the users to the partner companies, 20% of the profit would be transferred to E-Wasto. How sure are we that the partner companies would agree to the 20% commission fee?  It’s almost a certainty. Without E-Wasto serving as an intermediary, the general lack of awareness for e-waste disposal would not make the local market that profitable. Only a few households would be able to properly dispose of their e-waste, hence decreasing the net profit of companies focusing on the said market.
  • According to the study of Alam (2016), the formal sector's revenue from the e-waste management business in the Philippines is predicted to increase, especially now in this time of pandemic. E-Wasto can help the country actualize this market potential opportunity to innovate upon the e-waste supply-demand chain and raise awareness with regards to the proper e-waste management.

⚙️ Innovation Factor

E-Wasto offers a platform that allows users to properly donate or sell their e-waste to certified companies. The process includes reverse logistics and algorithms that find the most suitable company that would buy or receive e-waste. The product is offered to everyone who has the potential to produce or own e-waste.  This system will help in reducing the amount of e-waste that is improperly disposed of. Along with that, the system spreads awareness about e-waste to the users and the system will benefit the companies that are in need of e-waste. This service will be of interest for companies who are in need of e-waste. The increasing amount of e-waste production due to the increasing popularity of technology helps in the guarantee of revenue.

  Technical back-end

  • The mobile application will run on both ios and android. As for fast deployment and scalability, the application will be deployed on AWS

  • Since around 2 Billion phone sold already support Galileo, integration of this as the prime GNSS will be seamless. This GNSS will be used to estimate the location of the user for the e-waste site picker algorithm

  Proof of Concept


Issey Dee

  • Expertise: Product Designer

Jason Ching

  • Expertise: Researcher and Software Developer

Florenz Domingo

  • Expertise: Software Engineering

Alec Cresencio

  • Expertise: Researcher and Software Developer

Isaiah Tupal

  • Expertise: Product Manager

