
About the linking of the local expert to international job

  • 13,000 Raised
  • 10 Judges


  • 1. Involvement
  • 2. Inclusion



Linker is about linking local experts to opportunities. The document

  • The category is #1 Involvement

1. The main problem is: The local experts are always facing issues to be hired.


The issues that peoples face to be hired by other. Even the minimum requirements to be hired are respected. With all that, they are not hired.


Local experts in farming, industry, craft, computer...

are facing issues to be hired from local and external zone because they don't have a way to empower local power. There is no Trusted platform on where they can showcase or sell their self-learned skills.

The key factor of the issue of local experts: 

  • 82% of data need to be digitized from local work.
  • 91% of locals want to work remotely.
  • 5% of locals are aware of open opportunities.

2. Our mission

Our main objective is to allow the local experts to be hired and called to realize missions.

3. Solution

Imaging if is there a platform that links any local experts in any domain and hiring managers from the multinational group without issue and rules.

What do we propose? 

An online and scalable platform that empowers local power. By doing this, all technic of the local experts can be discovered and can be paid for that, even they can be hired through their skills and technics to solve the local problems.

4. Who are the customers?

5. Why is it better?

7. Sustainability

