PostAll allows users to Post Gif ,Images , videos ,Hidden Text on any Social Media Platform even if that platform does not support Gif ,Images etc.

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Hello Sir/Ma’am , I hope you have a good year. My Name is Nitesh I am BCA(Bachelor of Computer Applications) student .I attended this Hackathon to increase my knowledge in Web Applications and API. This Presentation mainly focus on working of extension, For our understanding we call this project “PostAll” I hope this report make sense to you.

My Project mainly focus on a extension (PostAll) which allows users to Post Gif ,Images , videos ,Hidden Text(texts messages will not be shown without this extension) on any Social Media Platform even if that platform does not support Gif ,Images etc. For example we can’t send Gif on Youtube but with help of this we can send It without any problem.

Features of PostAll 

Make posting of Gif ,Images ,Videos platform independent.

Provide Default Tenor Gifs(which user can get by pressing “<<” and close it by pressing another time “<<”).

Allow users to create and modify their own Gif, Images etc.

Some Platforms restrict specific type of content for some security or business reasons but “PostAll”  break this restrictions and allows user to share anything (this point not Recommended).

How it Works

“PostAll” work on unique id this id’s are store on cassandra database. Cassandra store these id With there relevant information like what this Id represent like image ,video or text and what is real value for this id like image url or video url. Whenever we visit a new page “PostAll” add some scripts to that page. After that whenever some web request came from that page it send a message to that page script to check If some specific type of ids are present on that page. We send message each time Whenever some new rquest came from that because new request mean some new content is added to that DOM page. We send message after 500ms when request response arrived so Dom get updated. we don’t want to check Whole DOM again so we use dataset attribute of element for this we set it true when we first time check for id’s in it.

Id’s are present inside elemets in text format . There are two types of ids one represent Default Tenor gif’s and other represent images etc uploaded by users which are store in Cassandra database.we get that id from element and in place of it we add a element as a marker. We call API and get relative value for this id’s and place of marker we add image , video or text based on that id relative value.

Here are some things I learn about this project :

This was a fun project to build . I increase my knowledge in HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, NODE.JS, Express and chrome Extensions.

What I like about this project is that it can provide privacy to your comments and Everything you post on internet from bot’s and big companies who sell your data to third parties.

This Project had many features but at a cost like while searching whole page for id’s it can effect your processing speed. While giving users freedom to post anything anywhere it also give them freedom to break rules.

Inn the end I have to say this was a nice project with some pros and some cons 

. I think What I have build was not best version of it but we can make it better with some effort. Thanks for Staying with me at the end. I hope my report help you to understand my Project. Goodbye!! 🤗

