
We will try to identify the level of dirtiness of the customer’s cars to grade a vehicle so Galp can suggest the customer car wash services (Challenge #1).

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • This hackathon has categories available. Please select one if necessary.


By the 23rd May, you will have to publish on the taikai project page detailed Project Description and the following deliverables: 

  • All the assets that comprise the submission (code assets, configurations, documentation, etc) must be delivered on a branch of the github repository with a pull request submitted on branch main assigned to the team.
  • At least the following information is required:
    • A brief description of the layout of the folders and their purposes / what assets they comprise
    • A brief description of the asset itself
    • A documentation (markdown, restructured text, etc) of the whole submission detailing what was the approach to solving the challenge