Turn any paper into an smart contract with ease.

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  • Scroll
  • BuidlGuidl



We take the physical cerimonies to the on-chain world.

SSTM PH(𝑦)DIGITAL CERTIFICATION automates the certification and verification process of your production chain.

With our solution it's possible to independently certify whether a supplier operates, maintains, improves and records effective production processes to satisfy customer needs.

Imagine if a  REGENERATIVE FARMER wants to sign a contract with a RESPONSIBLE BRANDS. If they live at Rio te Janeiro, they must go to the notary's office and sign the document by hand. Our product enable them to do this process just using  their  browser. 

So, our stack was based on the scroll evm blockchian and IPFS infrastructure to build a contract signing service. SSTM can garantee [transparency, authenticity], encrypted and token gated of their contract.  We also aim to enable the supply chain BUYER to track every processes in textile industry.

The website is live on


Our project provides the authentication of documents as a service. We build this project aiming to reduce the friction to the user. To do so, we implement 3 APIs. Two are responsable to compile and deploy the contracts at Scroll. The last one focus on provinding the IPFSRegistry of both the metadata and document ( pdf file). All these is gathered at our frontend build with next.

## Folder structure

- `/compilaApi`

This file contains the smart contract and return its ABI and Binary

- `/deployApi`

This file contains the binary and deploy the contract on SepoliaScroll

The `.env` defines `API_HTTPS=`

- `/getContractDataAPI`

This file contains the deploy of our IPFSRegistry.sol at and also gives a API to add or remove CIDs at our contract.

- `/de-registry-front-test`

This file contains our frontend and connect all the previous APIs.

## More about our contract at Scroll

We developed the IPFSRegistry.sol, this contracts aims to organize the CIDs of the IPFS on scroll

It has been verified, and can be viewed at:

The development the IPFSRegistry this contract was made with hardhat at:




## More about ScaffoldEth
