MEMOI: SmartMedicare

Our project, named SmartMedicare, revolutionizes the way patients and doctors interact by utilizing NFTs and blockchain technology to securely store and manage health information.

  • 0 Raised
  • 0 Judges


  • SafariDAO Challenge


  • Kushite ICP.HUB Challenge




SmartMedicare is a global platform that revolutionizes the way patients and doctors interact by utilizing NFTs and blockchain technology to securely store and manage health information.

Problem Statement:

Data Unavailability: Healthcare is an essential aspect of human life. Currently in some parts of the world, mortality rate is high. This may be due to natural causes or also owing to negligence in the medical sector as a result of traditional approach of record keeping like storing papers with data in files. 

For instance, Ebola disease claimed lives in Uganda, over many subsequent years. Being that ebola signs and symptoms are similar,  pioneer patients' records in the early years of the disease should have been stored and later used by doctors in making informed decisions on other ebola patients. This would thus make doctors move with speed and rescue some  lives of other ebola patients in the latter years. However, this was never the case owing to lost data from the files they were stored.Whenever ebola struck, it would always claim many lives. Such is the case with cholera disease in Kenya. Statistcis has it that even in January 2023, there was ebola outbreak, marking the 7th ebola outbreak in Uganda which still claimed lives of 55 people.


With the Unique SDK of Kushite ICP, SmartMedicare is able to provide a digital approach of storing data that guarantees 70% data security through cryptographic data structures. This is achieved by creating individual wallets for patients and doctors. These wallets are automatically generated when user logs in to the application after going through a successful authentication process.

NFT collections are generated that contain critical health data and consultation information. This allows for seamless, authenticated access to patient records and consultation details, all

through a simple QR code scan. SmartMedicare also incorporates an AI nurse that gathers patient health symptoms in case of emergencies, ensuring timely medical attention. Doctors can accept consultations based on their location, expertise and provide diagnoses and prescriptions, which are uploaded to IPFS and incorporated into the patient's consultation NFT using Unique SDK.

Positive Impact:

1) Reduced mortality rate .

2) Improved human health and living standards.

3) Increased earning for both medical officers and patients.

Business Model:

Patients and hospitals can agree to sell patients' data in the NFT collections  to medical research institutions, to aid in research activities and thereby hospital shares the revenue with the patient. 
