futuristic NFTs with Eth Safari theme hosted on Linea protocol and can be stored on a meta mask wallet

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  • SafariDAO Challenge


  • SafariDAO Challenge



Project Overview

"Safari NFT Collection" is a revolutionary NFT project built on the Linea Protocol that brings the allure of African wildlife safaris to the digital world. Here are the key features and aspects of this unique NFT project:

Linea Protocol 
Our NFTs will be minted and traded on the Linea Protocol, ensuring transparency, security, and eco-friendliness.

Earn Safari Coins
Each NFT in the "SafariWonders" collection will grant its owner the opportunity to earn Safari Coins by staking them. The minimum stake period will be six months, creating a sense of commitment and engagement among collectors.

Two-Step Verification
To enhance security and prevent NFT theft, we will implement a two-step verification process for NFT transfers. This feature will require buyers and sellers to confirm their transactions, adding an extra layer of protection for our community.

Marketplace Integration
"SafariWonders" NFTs will also be available for sale on the Safaranft marketplace, ensuring a wider reach and exposure for collectors and enthusiasts.

Whitelisted Minting
Whitelisted accounts will have the exclusive opportunity to mint "SafariWonders" NFTs at a special price of $500 per NFT. This feature will create a sense of exclusivity and reward early supporters.

Limited First Batch
The initial release will consist of 999 NFTs, with "Cool Zebras" as the theme for the first batch. These NFTs will feature stunning artwork and animations that capture the elegance and charm of zebras in the wild.

Big 5 Collection
Following the "Cool Zebras" release, "Safari NFT" will introduce the "Big 5" collection, featuring the most iconic African animals: lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros. Each NFT in this collection will be a masterpiece, showcasing the majesty and power of these creatures.

Community Engagement
"Safari NFT" will host regular events, contests, and virtual safaris for its community, fostering a strong and passionate community of collectors and nature enthusiasts.

Safari Ecosystem 
Safari Coins earned through staking can be used within a virtual safari ecosystem, allowing collectors to embark on digital adventures, interact with wildlife, and explore breathtaking landscapes.

Conservation Partnerships
A portion of the proceeds from "SafariWonders" NFT sales and transactions will be allocated to wildlife conservation organizations in Africa, contributing to the preservation of these majestic creatures and their habitats.


The "Safari NFT" Collection project aims to align with the SDG goals and the broader initiative of wildlife conservation and community awareness in climate conservation.

The project is dedicating 30% of all revenue to Climate conservation efforts in Kenya.

Why we are building Safari NFTs 

Celebration of African Biodiversity
Kenya is known for its remarkable biodiversity, including the "Big 5" animals and many other unique species. Building an NFT project centered around African wildlife celebrates and showcases the rich natural heritage of the continent. It serves as a digital homage to the beauty and importance of African ecosystems.

Supporting Conservation Efforts
Kenya, like many African nations, faces challenges in wildlife conservation due to poaching and habitat loss. By allocating a portion of the proceeds from NFT sales to wildlife conservation organizations in Kenya, this project actively contributes to the preservation of these vital ecosystems and helps protect endangered species.

Community Empowerment
The project can provide opportunities for local artists and creators to participate in and benefit from the NFT space. Collaborations with Kenyan artists and wildlife enthusiasts can lead to the creation of unique and culturally significant NFTs, fostering a sense of ownership and pride within the Kenyan community.

Educational Outreach 
"Safari NFT" can be a powerful educational tool. It can include informative content about African wildlife, their habitats, and the importance of conservation. This can help raise awareness not only among NFT collectors but also among a global audience, contributing to a greater understanding of the African ecosystem.

Tourism Promotion
Kenya relies heavily on tourism, and the NFT project can indirectly promote tourism by showcasing the beauty of the country's landscapes and wildlife. This can serve as an inspiration for potential tourists, benefitting the local economy.

Global Engagement
The ETH safari event provides a global platform to showcase this project. It can attract a diverse and international community of collectors and conservationists who are interested in supporting and participating in the project.

Cultural Exchange
 "Safari NFT" can be a platform for cultural exchange, where enthusiasts from around the world can learn about Kenyan culture, traditions, and the significance of wildlife in African societies.

Long-Term Legacy
The annual ETH safari event and the "Safari NFT" project can establish a long-term legacy of conservation efforts and community engagement. Over the years, this initiative can grow, evolve, and make a sustained impact on both the digital and physical worlds.

How Safari NFTs Will Participate in Standard Development Goals

According to Ethereum documentation, shifting from Proof of Work Mechanisms to Proof of Stake Mechanism, the network has been able to reduce carbon emissions by 99.95%, Linea protocol which will host the Safari NFTs is built on Ethereum as a Layer 2 which is in line with this initiative to reduce carbon emission and provide Environmentally friendly blockchain solutions.

Carbon Credits

The NFTs will be linked to A certain percentage of carbon credits which will boost initiatives to protect the environment by purchasing these NFTs-linked carbon credits. 

In line with SDGs for environmental conservation, the project will be implemented in line with these goals:

SDG 15: Life on Land

Alignment: This project directly supports SDG 15, which focuses on the conservation and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, particularly in Africa where many endangered species and critical habitats are found.

Implementation: To strengthen alignment, allocate a substantial portion of the project's proceeds to initiatives that combat deforestation, protect wildlife, and restore degraded ecosystems in Africa.

2. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Alignment: Promoting responsible consumption and production aligns with SDG 12. By encouraging the collection of digital art (NFTs) rather than physical items, this project contributes to sustainable consumption.

Implementation: Educate the community about the environmental impact of traditional art consumption and promote the idea that collecting digital NFTs is a more eco-friendly alternative.

3. SDG 14: Life Below Water

Alignment: While the project primarily focuses on terrestrial ecosystems, it can indirectly support SDG 14 by raising awareness about the interconnectedness of land and marine ecosystems.

Implementation: Collaborate with marine conservation organizations and use the project's platform to educate the community about the importance of marine conservation and how land-based activities can impact oceans.

4. SDG 4: Quality Education

Alignment: Education is a key aspect of the project, helping people understand the importance of wildlife conservation and the need to protect the environment.

Implementation: Develop educational resources and partnerships with educational institutions to ensure that the project's message reaches a broad audience. Consider hosting webinars, workshops, and virtual safaris to engage and educate.

5. SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Alignment: Collaborating with wildlife conservation organizations, local communities, and international partners aligns with SDG 17, which emphasizes the importance of partnerships for achieving sustainable development goals.

Implementation: Actively seek partnerships with established conservation organizations in Kenya and across Africa. These partnerships can include joint fundraising campaigns, research initiatives, and on-the-ground conservation efforts.

6. SDG 13: Climate Action

Alignment: While the primary focus is on wildlife conservation, "SafariWonders" can indirectly contribute to SDG 13 by promoting climate awareness and addressing environmental issues.

Implementation: Consider incorporating climate-related themes and messaging into the NFT collection and supporting reforestation and carbon offset initiatives as part of your conservation efforts.

How Linea is helping us achieve these Goals

Proof of Stake (PoS) Consensus
Linea Protocol utilizes a PoS consensus mechanism rather than the energy-intensive Proof of Work (PoW) mechanism used by Bitcoin and Ethereum. PoS requires validators to hold and "stake" a certain amount of cryptocurrency to participate in block validation, reducing the need for energy-intensive mining operations.

Energy Efficiency
PoS is significantly more energy-efficient than PoW. It doesn't involve the computationally intensive process of solving complex mathematical puzzles (as in PoW). Instead, validators are chosen to create new blocks based on the amount of cryptocurrency they have staked, which reduces energy consumption.

Lower Carbon Footprint
Because Linea Protocol consumes less energy, it has a lower carbon footprint compared to PoW blockchains. PoW blockchains often require massive data centers with energy-hungry mining equipment, whereas PoS blockchains like Linea are more sustainable.

Reduced Hardware Waste
 PoW blockchains frequently require miners to regularly upgrade their mining hardware, leading to electronic waste. In contrast, PoS blockchains have minimal hardware requirements, resulting in less electronic waste.

Linea Protocol is designed to be highly scalable, which means it can process a large number of transactions with less energy consumption. This scalability is crucial for reducing the environmental impact of blockchain networks as they grow.

Consensus Algo Variability
Some PoS blockchains, including Linea, have variable consensus algorithms that can be adjusted to meet environmental and scalability requirements. This adaptability allows the blockchain to optimize energy consumption as needed.

Green Initiatives 
Many blockchain projects, including Linea, are actively working on sustainability initiatives. This includes research into carbon offsetting, exploring eco-friendly data centers, and promoting sustainable blockchain practices.