Hold ETH and spend fiat in the real world in seconds! With fluid.loan you can borrow € against your ETH to cover your next expenses while keeping the upside on ETH and optimizing taxable events. Send ETH to a self-custodial address and receive € in your bank account a few minutes later.
Discord: 0xmetony
Telegram: t0nIT
Repo: https://github.com/fluidkey/eth-rome-24
Video: https://youtu.be/3O5hBqmCb3g
URL: https://fluid.loan
Deployed contracts: https://basescan.org/address/0x0Ff6bD338c7bCFc3E4f4063e9E6d04B440bB8864#code
Project prior to ETH Rome: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bjqSuKvrPazIyCfxgExix8uXyLBnWTVcsPxrsVMcKwY/edit?usp=sharing