Onchain Advent

Bring your web2 friends onchain and celebrate Christmas by completing the Onchain Advent.

  • 630 Raised
  • 1 Judges


  • 😮 Account Abstraction track


  • 🟣 Farcaster (Purple DAO)
  • 🏰 BuidlGuidl
  • 👨‍🔧 Pimlico
  • 🎹 Privy
  • 😮 Account Abstraction [MAIN TRACK]



Hackathon Project

  • Project Name
  • Short Description
    • A series of daily solidity challenges to onboard new developers to crypto this Christmas.
  • Bounties
    • Farcaster
      • We created an interactive frame using frames.js that enables participants to discover and complete daily challenges directly within the Farcaster social feed. This seamless integration keeps engagement within the platform, making the challenge participation process more accessible and user-friendly.
    • BuidlGuidl
      • We used the full suite of Scaffold-ETH tools to kickstart the development, including Hardhat for local blockchain networks, Wagmi for React hooks, Viem for Ethereum interaction, Next.js for the frontend, and RainbowKit for wallet integration. The pre-built components and local blockchain environment accelerated testing, development, and debugging of our project, ensuring a smooth workflow.
    • Pimlico
      • We implemented smart accounts to provide each user with a generated wallet that covers gas fees when they claim rewards. By leveraging Pimlico’s bundlers and paymasters, we ensure that users have a seamless, gasless experience when interacting with our smart contracts.
    • Privy
      • Privy was essential in simplifying onboarding for Web2 developers, ensuring they are immediately set up with their first Ethereum account. We also generate a smart wallet for the user with their Privy embedded wallet, which covers gas fees for claiming rewards, lowering the entry barrier for new users.

Useful links:
