DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ChainedIn is a verified directory that allows you to find and connect with business professionals from any web3 project and initiate conversations without disclosing any private details.
DISCORD AND/OR TELEGRAM USERNAME (team contact to share the judging details) Discord: iandreeacia TG: iandreeacia
REPOSITORY WITH PROJECT'S CODE << Repo for dApp & Scaffold << Repo for TG bot
Website URLs of the deployed application:
Etherscan contract URL for dApp contract:
The contract address(es) we deployed and the chain(s) where we deployed itSepolia testnet contract: 0x72712969B36F0B31aa7900b517D63dD1488E8466
BuidlGuidl: We used Scaffold-ETH 2 with nextjs & hardhat to build, test and deploy the smart contract that stores the user database and dApp code for accessing the database.
The dApp uses the argon2d password hashing algorithm to hash telegram IDs before storing them onto the chain. The dApp is deployed and hosted using netlify.
ENS: We used ENS for log in and to provide a greater level of trust/verification of wallet holders, as well as auto-filling fields that were available from ENS text records to make the sign up process easier for ENS holders.
We deployed our smart contract onto Sepolia testnet.
iExec: We used iExec to run our Telegram bot daemon on bellecour:
There is a Telegram bot written in nodeJS using the telegram bot APIs, which we have hosted on iExec, and validates user identities by pulling the hashes from the contract using the web3 node.js APIs, and validates each Telegram user against the hashes to confirm identities.
app: 0xB803bb57D3060966f36De13Dfd4f6bD30ea8d0E6
We encountered some service issues with the application dropping unexpectedly, and have been debugging this a bit with the iExec team, but for demo purposes we are running the service on Docker.
Web3privacy Now: Inspired us through their mission and values to come up with an idea that’s new and useful to create privacy a standard within the web3 community. While this is just a small step towards that goal, we are very happy to contribute how we can to a culture governed by healthy values.