
You have complete right to choose your chain/address/asset that you want

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  • 🦉 Gnosis Chain
  • 🖼 Interface
  • 🛰 The Graph
  • 🔑 Keyko
  • ✸ Waku
  • 🏰 BuidlGuidl
  • 💠 Dataverse
  • 🔵 ENS
  • 🖲 Base



Its really painful to let users send assets and NFTS/POAP's to your unwanted/unpreferred address as well as network. How about a wallet that lets you set your preferences (your asset choice (USDT/USDC/...) and your chain on which you would like to recieve your assets and your secondary addressess. Along with this the users will have support to send the assets and NFTs from their desired change and we are using chainlink ccip protocol to bridge the assets towards the reciever's desired chain.Its really hard to manage all the NFTs, SBTs, POAPs which you receive it on several chains and several address. You would have remember every time when someone sends you an NFT and note down the chain as well as the address on which you received it

Well YourAssetsYourChain solves this issue where in the Community/DAOs/anyone can send the NFTs to the other users on their preferred chain as well as preferred addresses.

Gnosis Tweet Link

Preference Contract Deployed over Gnosis Chiado testnet

Destination Contract deployeed on base goerli testnet

NFT contract deployed on Base Goerli Testnet

Source Contract deployed on Ethereum Sepolia testnet
